Hearing Loss And Cognition In Adults

Our five senses – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching – are cornerstones of our experience. Without these senses, we’d have no way to interact with the world around us or any way to understand our environment. That being said, plenty of people around the world live with some form of sensory impairment, whether that… Continue reading Hearing Loss And Cognition In Adults

Connecting Chronic Noise Exposure With Cardiovascular Disease

In 1910, the Nobel Prize Winner Robert Koch suggested that a time will come when we will have to fight noise as aggressively as we fight cholera and other disorders. The effects of noise are cumulative, building up over the course of a lifetime. This slow, gradual increase makes detecting hearing loss difficult until it… Continue reading Connecting Chronic Noise Exposure With Cardiovascular Disease

Hearing and Cognitive Function Go Hand-in-Hand

We all know that as we age, things change. One of those changes is often to our hearing. Age-related hearing loss affects a significant number of older adults in the United States: About 25 percent of people between the ages of 55 and 64 have some degree of hearing loss. Almost 50 percent of people… Continue reading Hearing and Cognitive Function Go Hand-in-Hand

Sweethearts: Couples Living with Sensory Loss

“Some think love can be measured by the amount of butterflies in their tummy. Others think love can be measured in bunches of flowers, or by using the words ‘for ever.’ But love can only truly be measured by actions. It can be a small thing, such as peeling an orange for a person you… Continue reading Sweethearts: Couples Living with Sensory Loss

Theories On The Hearing Loss And Cognitive Decline Connection

As we age, it is vital that we take care of our brain. A considerable amount of research finds that hearing loss impacts cognition, and there is a direct correlation between the level of uncorrected hearing loss and the risk of dementia. A Johns Hopkins study examined 600 volunteers over 20 years. At the start… Continue reading Theories On The Hearing Loss And Cognitive Decline Connection

The High Health Care Costs of Untreated Hearing Loss

There are presently over 37 million Americans with hearing loss according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD). This staggering figure is alarming when you consider the effects that an untreated hearing loss can have not just on communication but on general health and safety as well. Now, it seems that… Continue reading The High Health Care Costs of Untreated Hearing Loss

Tinnitus: Why So Many People Avoid Treatment

Tinnitus is an incredibly common medical issue characterized by the perception of noise in the ears in the absence of a verifiable external source of said noise. Essentially, tinnitus occurs when someone hears a ringing, clicking, hissing, or other ‘phantom noise’ in one or both ears. While tinnitus is very common, many people never seek… Continue reading Tinnitus: Why So Many People Avoid Treatment

Protecting Your Hearing Health During the Winter

The advent of the winter season brings with it a whole host of excitement. The colder days, longer nights, and the start of the festive season keep us going even if we think of snow as more of a nuisance than a source of joy. That being said, while many of us are aware of… Continue reading Protecting Your Hearing Health During the Winter

7 Hearing Resolutions for the New Year

There really is something special about the first day of a new year. It holds potential and possibilities for the next 365 days and it is a wonderful time to embark on a plan to transform your habits. Improving one’s health is one of the most popular resolutions in a new year but focusing on… Continue reading 7 Hearing Resolutions for the New Year

Deciding on a Cochlear Implant? This Information Will Help.

A hearing aid is an extraordinary device. However, sometimes a hearing aid does not provide adequate amplification to meet a user’s hearing needs. The answer may be a cochlear implant if you demonstrate limited-to-no-benefit from traditional hearing aids. This small electronic device gives a sense of sound to those who have a hearing impairment. Unlike… Continue reading Deciding on a Cochlear Implant? This Information Will Help.