Hearing Loss Doesn’t Discriminate

What do you think when you imagine someone with hearing loss? An elderly person, a grandparent perhaps, with gray hair and hearing aids? The truth is, that picture is no longer the whole picture of hearing loss. According to the Hearing Health Foundation, nearly 48 million Americans of all ages have at least some trouble… Continue reading Hearing Loss Doesn’t Discriminate

Wearing Headphones While Using Hearing Aids – What You Need To Know

Headphones are great. These devices are immersive; they exclude outside ambient noises and let you hear the fine details. A few other features include better sound quality, a snug fit, and they even keep your ears warm! However, if you wear hearing aids those fantastic headphones may be a nuisance. Problems involving fit, feedback, and… Continue reading Wearing Headphones While Using Hearing Aids – What You Need To Know

Hearing Your Loved Ones And Friends This Holiday Season

The holidays are on the way and with them come great times with family and friends, social gatherings, and holiday office parties. These parties may be time for concern if you or a family member are undergoing problems with hearing. Please don’t let a hearing impairment sideline you this season. Avoid the temptation to skip… Continue reading Hearing Your Loved Ones And Friends This Holiday Season

Communicating with a Loved One with Hearing Loss

The process of effective communication is a process that requires at least two active participants. Listening is not just about taking in sound, but actively receiving the message and incorporating what you hear with what you see. Body language, intonation, setting, all are factors that are taken into consideration when you’re analyzing a speaker’s message.… Continue reading Communicating with a Loved One with Hearing Loss

Indulge in this Sweet Treat for Hearing Health

Sure pumpkin spice is in the air, but it’s hard to deny that chocolate season is now upon us! Bags of Halloween candy line store shelves, National Chocolate Day is October 28th and Halloween is just the start of the holidays on the horizon. What you may not know is that indulging in this sweet,… Continue reading Indulge in this Sweet Treat for Hearing Health

Your Sweet Tooth Might Be Good For Your Hearing

Halloween isn’t quite yet upon us, but when it arrives, don’t be too quick to limit yourself to just one chocolate a day: It turns out that chocolate might actually be good for your overall hearing health. Sure, modern candies are full of sugar and other non-nutritional foodstuffs, but chocolate, particularly the dark kind, has… Continue reading Your Sweet Tooth Might Be Good For Your Hearing

That Cigarette Is Hurting Your Hearing

If you’re a smoker, you might want to stub out that cigarette and listen up. A new study from Japan suggests that cigarette smoking can cause irreversible hearing loss – certainly not something to joke around about. The study by the National Center for Global Health and Medicine in Tokyo included 50,195 participants between the… Continue reading That Cigarette Is Hurting Your Hearing

A New Method For Repairing Cells In The Inner Ear

Damage to the inner ear has numerous causes. Dizziness, oscillopsia, and unsteady gait are the usual signs of an inner ear disorder. If the portion of the inner ear associated with auditory processing is affected, an individual may also experience tinnitus. The sort and severity of vestibular disorder symptoms vary and can be difficult to… Continue reading A New Method For Repairing Cells In The Inner Ear

The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Mental Health

Hearing loss and aging seem to hand in hand. And with the baby boomer generation getting older, it seems hearing loss among the elderly is on the rise. But just because it is a naturally prevalent part of aging, becoming complacent about hearing health may be a dangerous proposition. Mental Health Consequences Anyone living with… Continue reading The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Mental Health

Hearing Loss And Mental Health: What You Need To Know

For many people, a hearing loss diagnosis can be difficult. Whether one could see the signs of hearing loss as it developed or whether it was a bit of a shock to get such a diagnosis, relearning how to live life with different hearing abilities can take a serious toll on one’s mental health. While… Continue reading Hearing Loss And Mental Health: What You Need To Know