New Study Finds An Increase In Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Depression In Older Adults

New Study Finds An Increase In Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Depression In Older Adults The impact of hearing loss extends beyond the ears. Untreated hearing loss can affect work, relationships, and even personal safety. Mental health is often influenced by hearing loss, and a link exists between hearing ability and depression. Communication is… Continue reading New Study Finds An Increase In Hearing Loss Increases The Risk Of Depression In Older Adults

PSAP or Hearing Aid – What You Need to Know

Have you been diagnosed or believe you may have some degree of hearing loss? If so, you may be considering options for treating that hearing loss. Hearing health care providers often recommend hearing aids to match your specific needs, but it?s not uncommon for the initial sticker shock to send patients in search of less… Continue reading PSAP or Hearing Aid – What You Need to Know

Your Hearing Could be at Risk in Your Own Home

Home is said to be where the heart is. Our safe and comfortable space to retreat to. We fill it with people and treasures and necessities, but could all that we fill it with also be damaging our hearing? Experts say, yes, but a few simple considerations could make all the difference. The hearing loss… Continue reading Your Hearing Could be at Risk in Your Own Home

Advancements in Hereditary Hearing Loss

Have you ever wondered why so many of your family members experience hearing loss around the same age? This pattern may not just be a simple coincidence but may actually be the result of a common problem called hereditary hearing loss. Since many forms of hearing problems are caused by genetics, researchers have been working… Continue reading Advancements in Hereditary Hearing Loss

Singing Could Be Key to Building Communication Skills for Children with Hearing Impairment

“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning”  -Plato The importance of music as part of a well-rounded education has been recognized for centuries. In more recent years, music has also been connected with math and science… Continue reading Singing Could Be Key to Building Communication Skills for Children with Hearing Impairment

Protecting Yourself From Hearing Hazards In Your Home

Home is where the heart is — and where all the noise is, apparently. Given today’s technological environment, our ears have to contend with much more than the typical sounds of little people and big people alike in the house, or even a pet or two. In the last several decades, the number of appliances,… Continue reading Protecting Yourself From Hearing Hazards In Your Home

Music Exposure And Hearing Development In Children With Hearing Loss

From the moment a new baby comes into the world, sound, especially musical sound, plays an important role in their development. Mothers, fathers, and other caregivers make the practice of singing to their babies to provide comfort, lull them to sleep, or calm their cries. The importance of music does not stop at infancy. Music… Continue reading Music Exposure And Hearing Development In Children With Hearing Loss

Troubleshooting The Most Common Hearing Aid Problems

Hearing aids are incredible minicomputers that are custom fit and programmed for an individual’s hearing needs. However, just like any other piece of technology, they do require attention. Regular maintenance and cleaning of hearing aids is a must and knowing how to make a few simple repairs can help make life much easier for hearing… Continue reading Troubleshooting The Most Common Hearing Aid Problems

Living With Normal Hearing Sensitivity And Hearing Difficulties

Many people with hearing loss have trouble with hearing sensitivity, particularly with specific sound frequencies. There is a substantial portion of the hearing loss population that have difficulty hearing despite their normal hearing sensitivity. Although not as common as hearing sensitivity-related hearing loss, an inability to hear normally without any changes in hearing sensitivity is… Continue reading Living With Normal Hearing Sensitivity And Hearing Difficulties

The Difficulties of Hearing Loss In Old Age

Hearing loss is a common ailment in old age as a lifetime of exposure to loud noises takes its toll on the body. While a large percentage of older people use hearing aids, those with lower incomes still struggle to access hearing healthcare services and still have difficulty hearing in day-to-day situations. According to researchers… Continue reading The Difficulties of Hearing Loss In Old Age