Smartphone Hearing Apps and What You Should Know

Of the approximately 48 million people across the U.S. that are affected by hearing loss, surveys have shown that people often wait years after discovering their hearing loss to purchase a hearing device, sometimes up to 15 years. While the transition could be immediate due to a traumatic incident, hearing loss is more often a… Continue reading Smartphone Hearing Apps and What You Should Know

Genetic Susceptibility to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Thirty-six million Americans have hearing loss. Exposure to noise is the culprit in one of three of these people. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the result of damage to the hair cells in the inner ear. These hair cells convert sounds that we hear into electrical signals that travel to the brain. If these cells… Continue reading Genetic Susceptibility to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss and Healthy Relationships

For over 48 million Americans, hearing loss is an aspect of their day to day life, possibly affecting their work, education, and friendships. But can hearing loss pose problems for your romantic relationships? Unfortunately, though it impacts the person struggling with a hearing loss far greater than the ones around them, studies show that this… Continue reading Hearing Loss and Healthy Relationships

Your Genes May Make You More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

An estimated 10 to 40 million adults will show some signs of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), and with the number of those suffering from hearing loss expected to double within the next thirty years, understanding the causes and treatment options for NIHL could help reduce that discouraging forecast. Everyone is affected by similar levels of… Continue reading Your Genes May Make You More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

How Untreated Hearing Loss Is Costing You More in Healthcare

For those in the deaf and hard of hearing community, hearing loss can be an expensive endeavor. With millions of Americans choosing to forgo hearing aids even though they can directly benefit, many are citing costs as the reason why. But penny-pinching when it comes to your hearing health may actually do more harm to… Continue reading How Untreated Hearing Loss Is Costing You More in Healthcare

How to Manage Tinnitus Holistically

Chances are you’ve heard the term tinnitus before. You may even have been diagnosed with this condition yourself. It is believed that tinnitus, casually referred to as buzzing or ringing in the ears, is one of the most common health conditions in the United States. Experts estimate that approximately 45 million people in the U.S.… Continue reading How to Manage Tinnitus Holistically

How Hearing Aids of the Future May Be Controlled by the Brain

It’s hard to argue that hearing aids have advanced at a rapid rate. Especially in recent years. Millions of people with hearing loss benefit from these revolutionary little devices every day, and hearing healthcare providers, researchers, and hearing aid manufacturers have raced to keep up with the demand for easier to use, more natural-sounding devices… Continue reading How Hearing Aids of the Future May Be Controlled by the Brain

How Your Diet Could Prevent (Or Cause) Hearing Loss

How many of us ring in the New Year with goals and resolutions? Plans to exercise more, get out of debt, eat healthier, quit smoking, lose weight, and the list goes on and on. While many of these resolutions can help us improve our health and wellbeing, eating healthier may also help prevent hearing loss… Continue reading How Your Diet Could Prevent (Or Cause) Hearing Loss

Untreated Hearing Loss Comes With Unexpected Problems—Like Higher Healthcare Costs

Starting a new year means many things, including a new healthcare plan or plan renewal. Regardless of whether you select a new plan or renew your existing plan, your mind is certainly directed towards the potential medical costs that could come up this year. Maybe you have some medical costs that you are already aware… Continue reading Untreated Hearing Loss Comes With Unexpected Problems—Like Higher Healthcare Costs

How Genetics May Put You At Risk for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

The field of genetics is growing like wildfire. The headlines about it often sound like science fiction, with new findings and uses that most of us could never have imagined just a few decades ago. It’s far beyond the probability of eye or hair color. Genetics and genetic testing can help us understand or risk… Continue reading How Genetics May Put You At Risk for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss