Tinnitus Linked to Suicide in UK Survey

Imagine a sound from which you could never escape. A constant ringing or buzzing in your ear that followed you from the moment you woke, through the day, and as long as it could into the night. A sound that only you could hear. Or maybe ordinary sounds that are too loud for you but… Continue reading Tinnitus Linked to Suicide in UK Survey

A Healthy Diet Leads to Healthy Hearing

Eating healthy makes you feel healthy, it’s really that simple. As one of the most important parts of a well-balanced life, a proper diet is even prescribed by doctors to help combat all types of illnesses and conditions like obesity, diabetes, depression, and a variety of other ailments. With this type of endorsement, we’re sure… Continue reading A Healthy Diet Leads to Healthy Hearing

Do I Have Hearing Loss If I Can Hear, But Not Understand?

The process of hearing is not limited to the ears. The brain plays a significant role in the processing and understanding of sound. Understanding involves hearing and focus. It is not just concerned with the effort required to hear a sound, but with the energy needed to process that sound. It is the complex process… Continue reading Do I Have Hearing Loss If I Can Hear, But Not Understand?

How a Healthy Diet Can Cut Your Risk of Hearing Loss

It can help lower your risk of cancer and heart disease. It can boost your mood and help you manage anxiety. It can help prevent cognitive decline and improve memory. It can even help you manage your weight, improve gut health and boost your immune system. Now experts have found that it may also help… Continue reading How a Healthy Diet Can Cut Your Risk of Hearing Loss

Annual Wellness Visits And Hearing Health

The Medicare Annual Wellness Visit (AWV) is a benefit aimed at promoting health through risk-modifying screenings and assessments. The eventual goal of the program is to shift healthcare focus away from acute care while promoting early identification and shared management of health problems. The AWV is an individualized health prevention plan for older adults with… Continue reading Annual Wellness Visits And Hearing Health

Using Music To Support Speech And Language Development In Children With Hearing Loss

Music and language are similar. Music resembles the tempo, pitch, and rhythm of normal speaking patterns. A connection exists between music and the development of speech and language skills in children with hearing impairments. Current evidence should encourage speech therapists, music therapists, music teachers, parents, and children to use music for the development of speech… Continue reading Using Music To Support Speech And Language Development In Children With Hearing Loss

How to Choose the Best Audiologist for You

When making the decision to seek treatment for hearing loss, the options can seem daunting. What do I do first? Who can I call? What should I ask? Who is the best choice? These are all questions you may be asking yourself. Here are some simple solutions to get you heading down the right path.… Continue reading How to Choose the Best Audiologist for You

Study Uncovers A New Piece of the Age-Related Hearing Loss Puzzle

Could your genetics put you at higher risk for age-related hearing loss? A new study researching some of the smallest structures of the inner ear and the role one particular gene plays indicates that may just be the case. The complicated case of age-related hearing loss Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is a… Continue reading Study Uncovers A New Piece of the Age-Related Hearing Loss Puzzle