Don’t Let Hearing Loss Leave You Isolated

“There simply is no pill that can replace human connection. There is no pharmacy that can fill the need for compassionate interaction with others. The answer to human suffering is both within us and between us.                                    -Dr. Joanne Cacciatore Human beings need more than nutrition and exercise to maintain good health. Much research over recent… Continue reading Don’t Let Hearing Loss Leave You Isolated

Alexa Is Ready to Test Your Hearing

Life seems to be busier than ever before. With work, kids’ activities, appointments, shopping, errands and more, it can seem like there’s never enough time. It’s easy to let some things fall by the wayside or find quicker ways to get them done. That includes hearing tests. With some of the new alternatives starting to… Continue reading Alexa Is Ready to Test Your Hearing

Closed Captioning: More Than a Nice-To-Have

It’s hard to deny that we often take our hearing for granted. Usually, it’s after we’ve experienced hearing loss that our eyes are opened to how many things in day-to-day life are designed with normal hearing in mind. Take, for example, television and video. While we’ve come a long with making this information and entertainment… Continue reading Closed Captioning: More Than a Nice-To-Have

Can a Home Hearing Test By Amazon’s Alexa Replace Formal Audiological Evaluations?

Each year, we visit numerous healthcare providers for annual check-ups. The purpose is to ensure that our health is good, and there are no significant changes that might be of concern. Although hearing loss is the third most widespread physical condition behind arthritis and heart disease, visiting a hearing healthcare professional to have ears checked… Continue reading Can a Home Hearing Test By Amazon’s Alexa Replace Formal Audiological Evaluations?

Getting Your Ear Tickled Might Slow The Aging Process

No one likes getting older. As we age, our bodies slow down and we experience a plethora of health issues, from changes in vision to decreasing muscle mass. These physical changes, along with the increased risk of developing dementia, make aging something that the vast majority of us would love to avoid. Unfortunately, there’s nothing… Continue reading Getting Your Ear Tickled Might Slow The Aging Process

Is Your Favorite Restaurant Too Noisy?

Have you ever sat down at a table in a new restaurant only to find that it’s so loud that you can’t hear a word the waiter is saying? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, a 2018 survey by restaurant guide, Zagat, found that diners complain more about noise in restaurants than anything else.… Continue reading Is Your Favorite Restaurant Too Noisy?

The Importance of Closed-Captioning

If you are a person with normal hearing, you probably do not pay much attention to closed-captioning on your favorite television shows, your streaming service, or your online videos. At least, you don’t pay much attention to it until you cannot access the sound for some reason or another. Suddenly, you do not understand what’s… Continue reading The Importance of Closed-Captioning

Should a Home Hearing Test Replace a Professional Evaluation?

If you have ever been in a situation that made you question whether your hearing was normal or not, you are not alone. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, approximately 20 percent of Americans have some degree of hearing loss. That comes out to roughly 48 million people, just in the US! So… Continue reading Should a Home Hearing Test Replace a Professional Evaluation?

Should a Home Hearing Test Replace a Professional Evaluation?

If you have ever been in a situation that made you question whether your hearing was normal or not, you are not alone. According to the Hearing Loss Association of America, approximately 20 percent of Americans have some degree of hearing loss. That comes out to roughly 48 million people, just in the US! So… Continue reading Should a Home Hearing Test Replace a Professional Evaluation?

How “Tickling” the Ear Could Help You Age More Healthily

The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but are your ears the windows to your autonomic nervous system? New research conducted at the University of Leeds has found that using the ear to send small electrical currents to the vagus nerve can stimulate the nervous system. For those over 55 years old, this… Continue reading How “Tickling” the Ear Could Help You Age More Healthily