Indulge in this Sweet Treat for Hearing Health

Sure pumpkin spice is in the air, but it’s hard to deny that chocolate season is now upon us! Bags of Halloween candy line store shelves, National Chocolate Day is October 28th and Halloween is just the start of the holidays on the horizon. What you may not know is that indulging in this sweet,… Continue reading Indulge in this Sweet Treat for Hearing Health

A New Method For Repairing Cells In The Inner Ear

Damage to the inner ear has numerous causes. Dizziness, oscillopsia, and unsteady gait are the usual signs of an inner ear disorder. If the portion of the inner ear associated with auditory processing is affected, an individual may also experience tinnitus. The sort and severity of vestibular disorder symptoms vary and can be difficult to… Continue reading A New Method For Repairing Cells In The Inner Ear

The Impact Of Biovariability In Hearing Loss

Like many people, you’ve probably found yourself in a situation or two where the noise level is high and your ears are completely unprotected. You may have fretted over the thought that your hearing may be exposed to damage, or you may have been very young and not had that thought at all. Previous Understanding… Continue reading The Impact Of Biovariability In Hearing Loss

Surgery For Hearing Loss – Is It Right For You?

Many people who suffer from hearing loss wonder if there is a surgical solution to their problem. While there are a number of surgeries available to help people with hearing loss, these procedures are only appropriate for people with certain kinds of hearing loss. So, is corrective surgery appropriate for you? Well, it depends. Your… Continue reading Surgery For Hearing Loss – Is It Right For You?

Bye Bye Beige Hearing Aids

Americans into the tens of millions now report they have at least some hearing loss, and it is estimated that over 28 million Americans could benefit from hearing aids. Whether it’s the cost, the perception that their hearing loss isn’t severe enough to require hearing aids or fear of what others may think when they… Continue reading Bye Bye Beige Hearing Aids

4 Complications Of Untreated Ear Infections

Have you ever had an ear infection? Chances are you considered it to be more of a pain (literally) and a nuisance than anything serious, but ear infections aren’t always as harmless as many believe. This common occurrence, seen in children primarily due to the size and position of their Eustachian tubes, is nothing to… Continue reading 4 Complications Of Untreated Ear Infections

Environmental Noise And Your Hearing Health

Noise is a part of life. We make ourselves vulnerable to environmental sounds on a daily basis and frequently do not give it a second thought. It is in the home, the classroom, and the workplace. It is essential to consider this noise and develop a means to lessen or prevent exposure to it. Once… Continue reading Environmental Noise And Your Hearing Health

Antidepressants And Your Hearing Health

According to recent estimates, approximately one in nine Americans take some sort of antidepressant medication to treat a variety of different medical conditions. The majority of these Americans take a particular kind of antidepressant, known as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI). When SSRIs were first introduced to the United States in 1987 under the… Continue reading Antidepressants And Your Hearing Health

Hearing Aids And Fashion

There exists a stigma around hearing aids as wearers of hearing aids tend to hide their devices. Modern technology supports this tendency by making hearing aids small and sometimes almost invisible. Why can’t hearing aids be like a set of reading glasses worn on the face without a second thought? The trend of keeping your… Continue reading Hearing Aids And Fashion

Discussing Hearing Aid Options With A Hearing Healthcare Professional

There is no shortage of treatment options for people with a hearing loss. The current advances in medicine and technology are making new treatments available to the hearing impaired at a rapid pace. When there are so many choices available, it may be difficult to determine what solution best fits your individual needs. It is… Continue reading Discussing Hearing Aid Options With A Hearing Healthcare Professional