How Hearing Loss Can Lead To Changes In Personality

Though usually understood as physical damage to one’s hearing due to age, illness, or injury, hearing loss has numerous effects on not only physical health, but mental health. For the 48 million American’s suffering from various degrees of hearing loss, unseen struggles can reduce heir quality of life, extending much further than skin deep. A… Continue reading How Hearing Loss Can Lead To Changes In Personality

Can Hearing Loss Cause Personality Changes?

Some social effects of hearing loss are obvious. In addition to difficulties in hearing, a person with hearing loss may become less likely to participate in social activities, undergo more stress in social situations, and experience new challenges in their personal relationships. However, research suggests that the changes may run even deeper – indicating that… Continue reading Can Hearing Loss Cause Personality Changes?

Is Your Personality Changing Because of Hearing Loss?

We hear so many things about hearing loss including: How to get a hearing evaluation The best hearing aids to purchase Tips for hearing better in crowds. While these are all important topics to discuss and details to know, many headlines these days dig deeper into the often unseen effects of hearing loss. The fact… Continue reading Is Your Personality Changing Because of Hearing Loss?