What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

Imagine the following scenario: You are in a rather noisy place—like a busy restaurant at peak dinnertime or a party packed with lots of people. You are with friends, enjoying a fun conversation. However, you notice that you are experiencing some difficulty clearly understanding what is being said. With all of the background noise, you’re… Continue reading What Is Hidden Hearing Loss?

Hearing Loss Caused By Antibiotics? Inflammation in Mice May Hold the Key

Life-saving antibiotics may be one of the single greatest contributions to the scientific community since the creation of Penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Responsible for saving millions of lives on an annual basis, the positives regarding antibiotics cannot be understated. But like all medication, side-effects can occur when taking antibiotics ranging from nausea, headaches,… Continue reading Hearing Loss Caused By Antibiotics? Inflammation in Mice May Hold the Key

The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Concussions have garnered worldwide attention for their effects on players in the NFL, professional boxers, and their relations to sudden deaths, making them a dangerous reality for many athletes and recreation enthusiasts. In fact, the CDC estimates between 1.6-3.8 million sports and recreation-related concussions occur every year. With such a high volume of cases, this… Continue reading The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Hereditary Hearing Loss? Experiments in Mice Show A Promising Future

Estimated to be about 35-55% of all age-related hearing loss cases, genetic hereditary hearing loss is more common than you may think, and even more confounding to the medical community. Caused by a myriad of genetic mutations ranging from disorders to ear deformation at birth, the exact genetic reason may be difficult to pinpoint in… Continue reading Hereditary Hearing Loss? Experiments in Mice Show A Promising Future

How Antibiotics May Cause Hearing Loss

We’re familiar with noise or even genetics as a cause of hearing loss, but did you know that certain medications may also damage hearing health? These days we are lucky enough to have a wide variety of pain-relieving and life-saving medicines at our disposal. Unfortunately, they often come with side effects, and in the case… Continue reading How Antibiotics May Cause Hearing Loss

Your Antibiotics Can Cause Hearing Loss

At some point in our lives, we’ve all been sick. Whether it’s a common cold, a nasty stomach bug, or a sinus infection, we all know what it’s like to feel under the weather. Thanks to modern medicine, however, many of us can get relief from troublesome symptoms or even be cured of our ailments… Continue reading Your Antibiotics Can Cause Hearing Loss

Salvaging The Hearing of Mice With Genetic Hearing Loss Brings Hope to People With Hearing Loss

Research teams at Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital are using an innovative approach to the problem of genetic hearing loss. This new research uses a gene-editing method to salvage the hearing of mice with hereditary hearing loss. In a process that targets a bad copy of a gene while sparing the good gene,… Continue reading Salvaging The Hearing of Mice With Genetic Hearing Loss Brings Hope to People With Hearing Loss

Study Reveals New Information about the Relationship between Antibiotics & Hearing Loss

Modern medicine is often referred to as a miracle, and that is frequently true. We can now treat diseases and conditions that were once fatal to many, and new advances are made every day in the field of medicine. Antibiotics, vaccines, and other life-saving drugs are changing the world as we know it. However, modern… Continue reading Study Reveals New Information about the Relationship between Antibiotics & Hearing Loss

Annual Wellness Visits & Hearing Loss Checks

When was your last annual wellness checkup? If you are like many other adults, you might not actually get your annual checkup on an annual basis. However, staying consistent on your annual wellness checks can help you stay abreast of your overall health and any emerging health conditions. With early identification, medical professionals can better… Continue reading Annual Wellness Visits & Hearing Loss Checks

Improving Your Hearing Health Through Annual Wellness Visits

Most people know the importance of getting an annual wellness visit. Many doctors will ask when you complete your appointment if you want to schedule the following years visit in advance. They take this yearly opportunity to run tests to see if you’re dealing with anything unusual that can be caught early on. Something we… Continue reading Improving Your Hearing Health Through Annual Wellness Visits