Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

Most people focus on the bigger picture. Do I have enough health and life insurance coverage? What will happen if I have an accident and break a leg or arm? Does my genetic history mean I’ll have heart troubles? Will I get hit by a bus because I was texting and walking? For the general… Continue reading Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

7 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is more common than ever before. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, including children, and that by 2050 over 900 million people will have it. Those are big numbers. Many still view hearing loss as a minor inconvenience. Still experts are now raising the… Continue reading 7 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

4 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

When we think about the causes of hearing loss, we often think of common causes like aging or noise-induced hearing loss. A variety of conditions, injuries, and occurrences can lead to hearing loss, but some are very rare. While rare, they do occur and are a reality for some people. Here are four of the… Continue reading 4 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

Unusual Causes Of Hearing Loss

When you consider the causes of hearing loss, you probably think aging, loud music, ear injury, viral infections, meningitis, and acoustic tumors. However, there are some causes of hearing loss that may come as a surprise. Airbags An airbag has the potential to save your life in a car accident. However, it also increases your… Continue reading Unusual Causes Of Hearing Loss