How Can You Reduce Your Chances for Tinnitus?

Have you ever heard the term, “nothing but crickets”? It’s usually mentioned after someone tells a particularly bad joke, referencing that awkward pause where nobody makes a sound. For some tinnitus sufferers, it can have a more literal meaning. Tinnitus is a condition that causes a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears. This sensation… Continue reading How Can You Reduce Your Chances for Tinnitus?

How To Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

Tinnitus is the awareness of sound in one or both ears, despite the presence of any external noises. Loud noises, excessive earwax, aging, ear infections, medications, blood pressure, and medical issues can all trigger tinnitus. Over 50 million Americans endure tinnitus, and it is a common health problem. There are no cures or prescription medications… Continue reading How To Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

Handling Tinnitus in the Workplace

Tinnitus is a perceived ringing in the ears when no actual sound is present. The condition can also be described as a clicking, whistling, swooshing, buzzing, or hissing sound. No matter the exact type of sound that a tinnitus patient perceives, there is no doubt that the condition can be a frustrating one. In serious… Continue reading Handling Tinnitus in the Workplace

3 Ways To Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

With over 20% of Americans reporting some form of tinnitus, this bothersome buzzing is quite a common problem. Unfortunately, tinnitus is often ignored and overlooked by many people suffering from the condition. It is estimated to affect up to 50 million people, leading to trouble sleeping, worsening quality of life, and even mental distress. To… Continue reading 3 Ways To Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

Survey: Working With Tinnitus

“It is the working man who is the happy man.” -Benjamin Franklin It’s hard to argue that our work can be an important part of who we are. We may not always enjoy every minute of it, and we may occasionally dream of all that we’ll do when we retire from work, but the benefits… Continue reading Survey: Working With Tinnitus

The Frustrations of Working With Tinnitus

Specific jobs carry a higher risk for tinnitus than others. If you are a carpenter, pilot, musician, or street worker, you are among those at high risk for the buzzing, hissing, and ringing associated with tinnitus. If you already have tinnitus, how does the condition affect your work performance? A British study indicates that 42%… Continue reading The Frustrations of Working With Tinnitus

6 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

Did you know that approximately 15% of the Americans are believed to have tinnitus? This ringing or buzzing in the ears is considered one of the most common health conditions in the nation. Unfortunately, there is no cure for tinnitus yet. This lack of a cure makes it that much more important to protect your… Continue reading 6 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

Tinnitus and Insomnia Can Go Hand-in-Hand

“That’s the advantage of insomnia. People who go to bed early always complain that the night is too short, but for those of us who stay up all night, it can feel as long as a lifetime. You get a lot done” – Banana Yoshimoto Insomnia and tinnitus is a combination of conditions that no… Continue reading Tinnitus and Insomnia Can Go Hand-in-Hand

6 Ways to Manage Tinnitus

If you or someone you love has experienced the sensation of ringing in the ears, then you are probably all too familiar with tinnitus. This condition or symptom is estimated to affect around 15% of the America population. It is one of the most common health conditions in the U.S. What can be most frustrating… Continue reading 6 Ways to Manage Tinnitus