3 Ways To Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

With over 20% of Americans reporting some form of tinnitus, this bothersome buzzing is quite a common problem. Unfortunately, tinnitus is often ignored and overlooked by many people suffering from the condition. It is estimated to affect up to 50 million people, leading to trouble sleeping, worsening quality of life, and even mental distress. To… Continue reading 3 Ways To Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

The Link Between Viruses And Hearing Loss

Viral infections can cause hearing loss. Viral infections can directly injure inner ear structures, induce inflammatory responses, or increase susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections leading to hearing loss. The loss of hearing that is a product of viruses can be congenital or acquired, unilateral, or bilateral. Sensorineural hearing loss is most common, although conductive… Continue reading The Link Between Viruses And Hearing Loss

3 Impressive Features of Modern Hearing Aid Technology in 2020

Like most technology, hearing aids have made progress at an impressive rate. First introduced to the commercial market in 1913, hearing aids used to be the size of filing cabinets until they had advanced into the hearing aids of the 1970s that you may remember: bulky, beige, and hardly inconspicuous. Today, hearing aids are more… Continue reading 3 Impressive Features of Modern Hearing Aid Technology in 2020

Identifying Unrecognized Hearing Loss

Presbycusis, age-related hearing loss, is a common health condition in adults over the age of 50. This acquired hearing loss can have consequences, including communication problems, social isolation, depression, and overall diminished quality of life. Although presbycusis is prevalent, it often goes unrecognized due to the slow and gradual onset of the disorder. To complicate… Continue reading Identifying Unrecognized Hearing Loss

How Zebrafish are Explaining How Brain Rewiring Occurs in the Profoundly Congenitally Deaf

According to a pioneering study conducted by the Oregon State University College of Science, small freshwater zebrafish have highlighted how the brain of humans who are congenitally deaf will rewire itself and affect how they learn. This is the first step in analyzing congenital deafness further than just the sensory hair cells inside the ear.… Continue reading How Zebrafish are Explaining How Brain Rewiring Occurs in the Profoundly Congenitally Deaf

New Drug May Relieve Symptoms of Tinnitus For People With Meniere’s Disease

Tinnitus is a primary symptom of Meniere’s disease, which is a disorder of the inner ear. The characteristics of tinnitus include ringing, humming, and buzzing sounds in the ear. Meniere’s disease is a long-term, progressive ear problem that affects your balance and hearing ability. The common symptoms of Meniere’s disease include vertigo, fluctuating tinnitus, increasing… Continue reading New Drug May Relieve Symptoms of Tinnitus For People With Meniere’s Disease

Hearing Loss and Healthy Relationships

For over 48 million Americans, hearing loss is an aspect of their day to day life, possibly affecting their work, education, and friendships. But can hearing loss pose problems for your romantic relationships? Unfortunately, though it impacts the person struggling with a hearing loss far greater than the ones around them, studies show that this… Continue reading Hearing Loss and Healthy Relationships

Hearing Loss, Visual Problems And Their Impact On Learning And Development

Problems with hearing and vision frequently occur among children. The welcome news is that, for the most part, the issues are temporary. However, there is new evidence that indicates that mild deficiencies in hearing and vision can impact learning and development. How often hearing and visual problems occur together during childhood and how this affects… Continue reading Hearing Loss, Visual Problems And Their Impact On Learning And Development

Hearing Loss is More Serious Than Many Believe

When you think of hearing loss, do you think of a minor annoyance? An inevitable part of aging? Something so insignificant that you don’t remember the last time you had a hearing evaluation? Or do you think of a health condition that could have serious impacts on your overall health and well-being? One that should… Continue reading Hearing Loss is More Serious Than Many Believe

The Towers Audiology Center is Proud to Support Doctors Without Borders

As the holiday season ends, we’re reminded of all the things we’re thankful for. Not only are we grateful to support our patients with their hearing concerns, but we appreciate the opportunity to help others in need. It’s not just the immediate people around us that can benefit from generosity; you can make a difference… Continue reading The Towers Audiology Center is Proud to Support Doctors Without Borders