What’s on the Horizon for Hearing Health

“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead Hearing health is taking the spotlight as the number of those affected by hearing loss continues to grow. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss… Continue reading What’s on the Horizon for Hearing Health

Helping Guests With Hearing Loss Fully Enjoy Your Wedding

With summer comes wedding season and many chances to gather together with friends and family in celebration. But celebrating may be difficult for some wedding goers who live with mild to moderate hearing loss. Social environments can pose enough of a challenge already, but weddings may be particularly frustrating because so many important words are… Continue reading Helping Guests With Hearing Loss Fully Enjoy Your Wedding

The Ventriloquist Effect: How Hearing and Visual Cues May Work Together

There is no doubt that the human body is a complicated machine that we are only just beginning to understand. Its different systems work together in ways we can’t yet even imagine to think, move, feel and more. Ever-curious and intrepid scientists continue to question what we know and unravel the mysteries of the human… Continue reading The Ventriloquist Effect: How Hearing and Visual Cues May Work Together

Vertigo and its Impact On Your Health

If you’ve ever experienced vertigo, you know that it’s one sensation you’ll never want to feel again, especially on a regular basis. Vertigo can be quite disorienting — and if persistent, severely interrupt one’s everyday function, causing considerable quality of life issues. What Is Vertigo? Vertigo is most often associated with the feeling many of… Continue reading Vertigo and its Impact On Your Health

The Importance of Hearing Tests

Approximately 20% of Americans have some measure of hearing loss, but unfortunately, only 20% of people with hearing loss seek out treatment. While specific treatment options for hearing loss vary wildly from patient to patient, the starting place for the treatment of hearing loss is generally the same – it all starts with a hearing… Continue reading The Importance of Hearing Tests

Single Sided Deafness – Hearing Loss in One Ear

By:  Dr. Matthew Seldine Audiologists and hearing professionals expect to see symmetrical hearing levels in each ear, however, sometimes the ears are quite different from one another (asymmetrical). Single-sided deafness (SSD) is a hearing impairment where there is normal hearing in one ear and impaired hearing in the other ear. Fortunately, this is not a… Continue reading Single Sided Deafness – Hearing Loss in One Ear

Could Your Child Be at Risk for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

There is a common misconception that noise-induced hearing loss is a condition that only affects older people. The truth is that noise-induced hearing loss can affect people of all ages and backgrounds. Even children. It’s time to rethink hearing loss and the importance of protecting our hearing right from the beginning to prevent loss down… Continue reading Could Your Child Be at Risk for Noise-Induced Hearing Loss?

How to Protect Your Hearing at the Pool

Did you know there are 92 days in the summer season? That means three months of longer days, warmer nights and, usually, plenty of swimming to cool off on hot days. Especially for the kids. While your first thought to prepare may be to protect the skin by applying sunscreen, it’s also important not to… Continue reading How to Protect Your Hearing at the Pool

Plugging Up at the Pool: Everything You Need to Know About Swimming Earplugs

Swimming and summer seem to go hand in hand. As soon as school lets out, the weather heats up and we all head to the pool. The summer season brings plenty of opportunities to get wet with it, whether that be by swimming in your own pool, a neighbor’s, the community pool or the one… Continue reading Plugging Up at the Pool: Everything You Need to Know About Swimming Earplugs

Improved Hearing Later Starts Early

When we think of noise induced hearing loss, we typically have the adult population in mind. Much of the literature and online information regarding this topic revolves around the same age population. A much-neglected area of discussion, however, is the risk of noise induced hearing loss at a young age. Traditionally educational programs around hearing loss… Continue reading Improved Hearing Later Starts Early