Helping Children With Hearing Loss Get The Most Out Of Team Sports

Sports are challenging, and for the child with a hearing loss, there are additional obstacles such as communication, safety, and protecting delicate hearing devices. Unique strategies and preparation are essential.  Extracurricular activities and sporting events teach lessons regarding teamwork, responsibility, winning, and losing. These activities are vital for the overall educational and social experiences of… Continue reading Helping Children With Hearing Loss Get The Most Out Of Team Sports

New Laws Are Improving Education For New Jersey’s Hard of Hearing Students

As 5 out of every 1000 children are impacted by hearing loss in the United States, protecting and assisting the youngest members of the hard of hearing community is vital. At young ages, students are experiencing important development in their social, emotional, and academic skills, which can be delayed or stunted by a hearing loss… Continue reading New Laws Are Improving Education For New Jersey’s Hard of Hearing Students

New Laws Aimed At Supporting Kids With Hearing Loss

The school year is now back in full swing, and kids of all ages are settled into classrooms learning and connecting with teachers and fellow students. School administrators and parents do everything they can to ensure that they have the supplies and support needed to excel, but what about hearing support? While it’s not always… Continue reading New Laws Aimed At Supporting Kids With Hearing Loss

Helping Parents Of Preemies Prevent, Detect, And Treat Hearing Loss

Premature baby morbidity is the best it’s been worldwide, primarily due to the technological and medical advances put into practice in developed countries. While much work and assistance need to be paid to developing countries, babies born prematurely all across the world are at higher risk of birth-related hearing loss. While not all newborn hearing… Continue reading Helping Parents Of Preemies Prevent, Detect, And Treat Hearing Loss

Protecting Premature Babies From Hearing Loss

Most babies have perfect hearing at birth. However, roughly 2 to 3 in every 1,000 babies in the United States are born with a hearing loss. This percentage is higher for premature births. These numbers make a hearing loss the most common congenital disability. When you consider that children rely on their hearing to learn… Continue reading Protecting Premature Babies From Hearing Loss

Reading Difficulties May Indicate Hearing Loss in Children

By the time most children turn 8-years old, they are normally capable of reading at a sufficient level. However, have you ever wondered why some kids struggle harder than others with reading difficulties? Undiagnosed hearing loss may actually be an overlooked cause for this learning delay. Many children sit in classroom settings throughout the entire… Continue reading Reading Difficulties May Indicate Hearing Loss in Children

Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

It’s that time of year again! Back-to-school is here, and kids are heading off to new classes, old friends and plenty of learning. We make sure they have the supplies they need and prepare them as best we can with letters, numbers and plenty of sleep for academic success, but what about their hearing? Hearing… Continue reading Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

Improved Hearing Later Starts Early

When we think of noise induced hearing loss, we typically have the adult population in mind. Much of the literature and online information regarding this topic revolves around the same age population. A much-neglected area of discussion, however, is the risk of noise induced hearing loss at a young age. Traditionally educational programs around hearing loss… Continue reading Improved Hearing Later Starts Early