PSAP or Hearing Aid?

We live in an era of instant, online gratification.  Need a new dress? It can be here in 24 hours.  Need a new TV?  Hop online, compare prices and purchase in under an hour. Have a sore throat?  There’s now an app where you can engage with a licensed physician, show them your throat, and… Continue reading PSAP or Hearing Aid?

PSAPs vs. Hearing Aids – Is the Cheaper Option Better?

After years of being in denial regarding your hearing loss, you finally faced the reality that you need to see a hearing specialist. You make an appointment with your local provider for a hearing evaluation. The visit confirms your suspicion that you are in desperate need of a hearing aid. This news really doesn’t shock… Continue reading PSAPs vs. Hearing Aids – Is the Cheaper Option Better?

The Difference Between Personal Sound Amplifiers and Hearing Aids

Personal Sound Amplifiers (PSAPs) have been gaining popularity lately as a potential lower-cost alternative to a standard hearing aid. Most hearing healthcare providers acknowledge that lower-cost (or better health insurance coverage!) options are critical to improving adoption of hearing aid devices to improve quality of life for their patients. However, PSAPs are not hearing aids… Continue reading The Difference Between Personal Sound Amplifiers and Hearing Aids

Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids—How to Choose the Best Device for Your Hearing Loss

Did you know that you can purchase a hearing device at your local department store? It is true; you can buy a device that will amplify sounds for you. Although people buy these devices instead of a hearing aid, they are not approved medical products. These devices, intended to be used by individuals with normal… Continue reading Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids—How to Choose the Best Device for Your Hearing Loss