OFFICE CLOSURE UPDATE – Curb side services still available!

Dear Patients of the Hearing Center, Your providers at Eye Consultants of Atlanta are closely monitoring the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak via the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Georgia Department of Health (DPH) and World Health Organization (WHO). Our country is facing a challenging situation that is continually changing and we continue to update our business… Continue reading OFFICE CLOSURE UPDATE – Curb side services still available!

Why a Shocking Number of People Are Not Wearing Hearing Aids

Does your spouse tell you to turn the television down on a regular basis? Do you have to ask your friends to repeat themselves whenever you get together? Is talking on the phone a tiresome task that you’d rather not bother with? According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Diseases, there are… Continue reading Why a Shocking Number of People Are Not Wearing Hearing Aids

Studies Show That More People Should Be Wearing Hearing Aids

Modern hearing aid technology is light-years from its early beginnings with ear trumpets. Hearing aid manufacturers are now making hearing aids that are as much a computer as they are a hearing device. Bluetooth, smartphone compatibility, and sleek, almost invisible designs are making hearing aids more and more attractive. However, as much as technology advances,… Continue reading Studies Show That More People Should Be Wearing Hearing Aids

Identifying Unrecognized Hearing Loss

Presbycusis, age-related hearing loss, is a common health condition in adults over the age of 50. This acquired hearing loss can have consequences, including communication problems, social isolation, depression, and overall diminished quality of life. Although presbycusis is prevalent, it often goes unrecognized due to the slow and gradual onset of the disorder. To complicate… Continue reading Identifying Unrecognized Hearing Loss

The Common Bond of Co-Occurring Sensorial Issues

Hearing and vision problems can, unfortunately, go hand in hand, and these issues are quite common in children. While co-occurring hearing and visual problems can have a detrimental effect on the educational outcome of a child, they are often not officially identified. Either difficulty, on its own, can be a large barrier for most kids… Continue reading The Common Bond of Co-Occurring Sensorial Issues

The Rising Cost of Healthcare and its Effects on Untreated Hearing Loss

It comes as no surprise to most people that the cost of healthcare is rising year by year. From an increase in the cost of services to prescriptions, it can be noted across America. From the younger working class through retirees living on a fixed income, there are few that it has not touched. There… Continue reading The Rising Cost of Healthcare and its Effects on Untreated Hearing Loss

Is There a Future for Brain-Controlled Hearing Aids?

While the average hearing aids work very well for most people in a setting with one or two people, some even in a small group, it’s often difficult for someone with hearing loss to keep up with the conversation where there is excessive background noise. Restaurants, clubs, and parties are some of the common settings… Continue reading Is There a Future for Brain-Controlled Hearing Aids?

Smartphone Hearing Apps and What You Should Know

Of the approximately 48 million people across the U.S. that are affected by hearing loss, surveys have shown that people often wait years after discovering their hearing loss to purchase a hearing device, sometimes up to 15 years. While the transition could be immediate due to a traumatic incident, hearing loss is more often a… Continue reading Smartphone Hearing Apps and What You Should Know

Genetic Susceptibility to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Thirty-six million Americans have hearing loss. Exposure to noise is the culprit in one of three of these people. Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the result of damage to the hair cells in the inner ear. These hair cells convert sounds that we hear into electrical signals that travel to the brain. If these cells… Continue reading Genetic Susceptibility to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Your Genes May Make You More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

An estimated 10 to 40 million adults will show some signs of noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL), and with the number of those suffering from hearing loss expected to double within the next thirty years, understanding the causes and treatment options for NIHL could help reduce that discouraging forecast. Everyone is affected by similar levels of… Continue reading Your Genes May Make You More Vulnerable to Noise-Induced Hearing Loss