Hearing Aids: Coming to a Mall Near You

Imagine being able to grab a hearing aid along with clothes, shoes, cookies and other goodies from your local shopping mall. As far-fetched as this may sound it is a reality. The purchase of over the counter amplification products is now a cost-cutting dream come true. But just how good of a dream is unclear.… Continue reading Hearing Aids: Coming to a Mall Near You

Is Listening Making You Tired? Here Is What You Can Do About It

Fatigue. The moments when our brain and our bodies simply can’t do anymore.What if we want to hear a message and exhaust ourselves trying to hear it? Listening fatigue, also known as auditory fatigue, is a problem for many people and can be especially trying to those who are hearing impaired. Listening Fatigue So how… Continue reading Is Listening Making You Tired? Here Is What You Can Do About It

A Day With Hearing Impairment

Life is challenging. It can be especially grueling for those with hearing problems. It can profoundly affect not just the individual with the hearing loss, but family, friends, and co-workers as well. Untreated hearing loss can lead to fatigue, depression, stress, and anxiety. Alertness decreases, the risk of personal safety increases, job performance suffers, and… Continue reading A Day With Hearing Impairment

Life Can Be Loud

  Everyday noises are a primary cause of hearing loss, and many of us are exposed to excessive noise in our jobs. Construction, machinery, gunfire, concert music blasting and other typical noises are all contributors to hearing loss, and because the loss is so gradual over an extended period of time, we hardly notice. For… Continue reading Life Can Be Loud

Marriage and Hearing Loss: How to Stay Connected

Anyone who is or has been married knows that marriage isn’t a static state of being. Marriage is an ever-changing and growing relationship between two partners that takes a whole lot of work no matter who you are. It requires commitment, communication, patience and understanding with or without perfect hearing. That’s not to say that… Continue reading Marriage and Hearing Loss: How to Stay Connected

Hearing Loss, Relationships, and Four Tips to Improve Them

Hearing loss can interfere with relationships well beyond arguing with a spouse over the television volume. It’s isolating impact affects partners, friends, children, and colleagues. The content and nature of personal communication are limited resulting in misunderstandings both at home and at work. Romantic Relationships To establish trust and find happiness in a romantic relationship… Continue reading Hearing Loss, Relationships, and Four Tips to Improve Them

The Not So Typical Causes of Hearing Loss

Aging, loud noise exposure, being sick with a strong head cold or flu, and tumors. Those four phrases are some of the most typical and common forms of hearing loss people tend to hear about. When visiting your hearing care provider, if you’re informed that you have some abnormal hearing loss, it’s likely that your… Continue reading The Not So Typical Causes of Hearing Loss

Don’t Let Hearing Loss Keep You From Hiking

Have you been diagnosed with hearing loss? If you think that diagnosis means giving up activities like hiking, think again. Every year millions of Americans head out on hiking trails and hearing loss doesn’t have to keep you from being one of them. According to the American Hiking Society, over 34 million people hiked America’s… Continue reading Don’t Let Hearing Loss Keep You From Hiking

How to Keep Your Hearing Aids Happy

Long-time hearing aid wearers are well aware of the golden rule of hearing aid care: to never delay maintenance, cleanings, and minor repairs. Perhaps it’s because they’ve also learned the “Murphy’s Law” that seems to apply to hearing aids (and likely any other complex electronics that we’re heavily dependent on). This law appears to go… Continue reading How to Keep Your Hearing Aids Happy

A Quick Guide for Spring-Cleaning Your Ears

As we say goodbye to the harsh winter and welcome the spring season, we feel an urge to tuck away those bulky winter clothes, shake out the rugs, and make our cabinets clutter free. In the spirit that we get back to our long pending to-do list and spring-clean every single corner of the house,… Continue reading A Quick Guide for Spring-Cleaning Your Ears