Smoking Could Be Damaging Your Hearing

Once touted as a smart choice for health and a slim figure, the less than healthful truth about cigarettes is out! We’ve now heard for years how dangerous smoking can be for our health. It has been linked to a wide range of health concerns including: Lung cancer COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) Heart Disease… Continue reading Smoking Could Be Damaging Your Hearing

Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Getting a hearing aid for the first time can feel a bit overwhelming. The temptation for many of us adjusting to life with a new hearing aid is to only use it when we feel like we really need it. We may not have it on at home, but take it with us if we’re… Continue reading Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

The Mystery Of The Endolymphatic Sac

The endolymphatic sac is an irregular, complicated shaped bag like structure in the inner ear. It is involved in absorbing and secreting, and it takes part in the immune response. Although not entirely clear, theories suggest that the endolymphatic sac is involved in the development of Meniere’s disease leading to dizziness and hearing problems. Current… Continue reading The Mystery Of The Endolymphatic Sac

Healthy Hearing For Academic Success

The ability to hear correctly is essential for success in school on any educational level. Schools, colleges, and universities teach students the skills they will need to function in society, so it is imperative to address any communication disorders to enable all students a chance at academic success. Current research supports the importance of communication… Continue reading Healthy Hearing For Academic Success

These Diets May Prevent Hearing Loss

There is no doubt that the body is a complex system of systems. As researchers dig deeper into the causes of hearing loss and how to prevent it, they are finding that it may come down to more than just noise exposure. Our diet may play a key role in hearing health. Several studies are… Continue reading These Diets May Prevent Hearing Loss

Helping Guests With Hearing Loss Fully Enjoy Your Wedding

With summer comes wedding season and many chances to gather together with friends and family in celebration. But celebrating may be difficult for some wedding goers who live with mild to moderate hearing loss. Social environments can pose enough of a challenge already, but weddings may be particularly frustrating because so many important words are… Continue reading Helping Guests With Hearing Loss Fully Enjoy Your Wedding

The Importance of Hearing Tests

Approximately 20% of Americans have some measure of hearing loss, but unfortunately, only 20% of people with hearing loss seek out treatment. While specific treatment options for hearing loss vary wildly from patient to patient, the starting place for the treatment of hearing loss is generally the same – it all starts with a hearing… Continue reading The Importance of Hearing Tests

Hearing Loss During Wedding Season

The warmer weather and lovely sunshine of the Summer season make it the perfect time of year for a wedding. Weddings are generally a source of joy. They mark an event where two families become one and are often a celebration of love. When friends and family gather to celebrate a wedding, it’s often a… Continue reading Hearing Loss During Wedding Season

Bye Bye Beige Hearing Aids

Americans into the tens of millions now report they have at least some hearing loss, and it is estimated that over 28 million Americans could benefit from hearing aids. Whether it’s the cost, the perception that their hearing loss isn’t severe enough to require hearing aids or fear of what others may think when they… Continue reading Bye Bye Beige Hearing Aids

Discussing Hearing Aid Options With A Hearing Healthcare Professional

There is no shortage of treatment options for people with a hearing loss. The current advances in medicine and technology are making new treatments available to the hearing impaired at a rapid pace. When there are so many choices available, it may be difficult to determine what solution best fits your individual needs. It is… Continue reading Discussing Hearing Aid Options With A Hearing Healthcare Professional