The Link Between Viruses And Hearing Loss

Viral infections can cause hearing loss. Viral infections can directly injure inner ear structures, induce inflammatory responses, or increase susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections leading to hearing loss. The loss of hearing that is a product of viruses can be congenital or acquired, unilateral, or bilateral. Sensorineural hearing loss is most common, although conductive… Continue reading The Link Between Viruses And Hearing Loss

The Connection Between Viruses and Hearing Loss

When you think of the causes of hearing loss, what do you think of? If you are like most people, you probably first consider age-related hearing loss or noise-induced hearing loss. While these are both common causes of hearing loss, they are certainly not the only factors that can lead to hearing loss. Certain viruses… Continue reading The Connection Between Viruses and Hearing Loss

Sick and Tired of Listening?

Life can be hectic and overwhelming which can make you feel exhausted. But it shouldn’t happen on a regular basis. If you feel tired often at the end of the day and your medical checkup comes back clean, you might consider making an appointment with a hearing health professional. It’s possible you’re suffering from listening… Continue reading Sick and Tired of Listening?

Fact or Fiction: Common Misconceptions About Hearing Aids

While MythBusters likely won’t be getting involved with this one, hearing health professionals are able to lay to rest some questions about myth vs. fact for their audience of people needing hearing aids Myth: Hearing loss is something that happens to older people. Fact: Approximately one out of every five people over the age of… Continue reading Fact or Fiction: Common Misconceptions About Hearing Aids

Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

Most people focus on the bigger picture. Do I have enough health and life insurance coverage? What will happen if I have an accident and break a leg or arm? Does my genetic history mean I’ll have heart troubles? Will I get hit by a bus because I was texting and walking? For the general… Continue reading Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

Can Zebrafish Research Help Rewire the Brain of the Congenitally Deaf?

With the help of small, freshwater zebrafish, researchers at Oregon State University (OSU) have recently discovered that the otoferlin protein in congenitally deaf people has a mutation that causes profound deafness. They’ve also uncovered proof that this protein alters the growth and wiring of neurons that are vitally important to the central nervous system. The… Continue reading Can Zebrafish Research Help Rewire the Brain of the Congenitally Deaf?

How Zebrafish are Explaining How Brain Rewiring Occurs in the Profoundly Congenitally Deaf

According to a pioneering study conducted by the Oregon State University College of Science, small freshwater zebrafish have highlighted how the brain of humans who are congenitally deaf will rewire itself and affect how they learn. This is the first step in analyzing congenital deafness further than just the sensory hair cells inside the ear.… Continue reading How Zebrafish are Explaining How Brain Rewiring Occurs in the Profoundly Congenitally Deaf

Could Hearing Loss Increase Delinquency?

Childhood can be a magical time of learning and growing, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Think back to being a child. Playing with friends, going to school, all the things that you did. The feelings you felt. Now imagine for a minute that you had hearing loss as a child. How would that… Continue reading Could Hearing Loss Increase Delinquency?

7 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is more common than ever before. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, including children, and that by 2050 over 900 million people will have it. Those are big numbers. Many still view hearing loss as a minor inconvenience. Still experts are now raising the… Continue reading 7 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

What is the Difference Between Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids?

Although the purpose they serve may seem similar, hearing amplifiers and hearing aids are two different devices. Yes, both can improve one’s ability to hear. However, hearing aids have a design tailored for people with hearing impairments and hearing amplifiers do not. The media tempts us to purchase hearing amplifiers while overlooking key differences that… Continue reading What is the Difference Between Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids?