Could Hearing Loss Increase Delinquency?

Childhood can be a magical time of learning and growing, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Think back to being a child. Playing with friends, going to school, all the things that you did. The feelings you felt. Now imagine for a minute that you had hearing loss as a child. How would that… Continue reading Could Hearing Loss Increase Delinquency?

New Study Shows That Hearing Loss Can Lead to Delinquency in Pre-Teen Kids

Hearing loss can occur at any age, but there is a growing number of kids developing hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to loud noise. The hearing loss rates among children due to noise exposure are increasing due to the kid’s lifestyle factors. Video games, mp3 players, sporting events, movie theatres, and surround-sound entertainment systems… Continue reading New Study Shows That Hearing Loss Can Lead to Delinquency in Pre-Teen Kids

Australian Study Shows How Hearing Loss Impacts School Attendance

The ability to hear correctly is a critical component of speech and language development, communication, and learning. Delays in the development of speech and language lead to learning problems and poor academic performance. Inattention and poor behavior accompany poor academic performance frequently. Now, there may be another concern associated with hearing and academic achievement. A… Continue reading Australian Study Shows How Hearing Loss Impacts School Attendance

Gender and Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can happen to anyone at any age, regardless of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background. However, there are some groups of people that are predisposed to hearing loss for a variety of different reasons. Often, the groups of people that are more likely to experience hearing loss have a variety of different occupational and… Continue reading Gender and Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss And Social Isolation

Social isolation is not a good thing, and it can be a significant health risk. People with hearing loss frequently experience problems in group settings. The experience for the hearing-impaired individual takes a physical and mental toll as the person strains to decipher conversation among multiple conversations and background noises. Eventually, many feel it is… Continue reading Hearing Loss And Social Isolation