Hard To Avoid: Preschool Teachers Suffering From Auditory Fatigue

According to a study recently conducted by the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Department at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Sweden preschool teachers experience a higher rate of auditory fatigue than other women in other job groups, and more importantly, higher than a woman working in similar high noise occupational environments. Instances of hearing loss and tinnitus were… Continue reading Hard To Avoid: Preschool Teachers Suffering From Auditory Fatigue

Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

It’s that time of year again! Back-to-school is here, and kids are heading off to new classes, old friends and plenty of learning. We make sure they have the supplies they need and prepare them as best we can with letters, numbers and plenty of sleep for academic success, but what about their hearing? Hearing… Continue reading Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

Future Tech: Hearing Aids That Can Monitor Vital Signs

Today’s hearing aids are sleek and advanced technological wonders. They can connect to, and be controlled by, a smartphone. They can sync to sound systems at home and at a theater. They have omnidirectional microphones, app-connecting capabilities, and intelligence that allows them to identify background noises to be dampened to allow conversations to be heard… Continue reading Future Tech: Hearing Aids That Can Monitor Vital Signs