Adverse Childhood Experiences and Pediatric Hearing Loss

Nobody’s life is perfect, but all the experiences leading up to adulthood combine to create the parent we become. For those who are blessed with a kind and loving family, life may not be as difficult as for those who come from divorced or incarcerated parents. The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) some people live through… Continue reading Adverse Childhood Experiences and Pediatric Hearing Loss

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Pediatric Hearing Loss

Childhood should be a happy time in any person’s life. Ideally, one’s childhood should be filled with opportunities to learn and grow, as well as plenty of wholesome fun and recreation. Key to ensuring a happy childhood are a good, stable home environment and loving, supportive family members. Unfortunately, not all children grow up in… Continue reading Adverse Childhood Experiences and Pediatric Hearing Loss

Information Processing In Hearing And Deaf Infants

We all learn differently, whether that be because we have a learning difference or because we prefer to read about a topic rather than listen to a lecture on it. For most of us, however, we process information quite similarly and use similar neurological pathways in our brains to understand complex topics despite our preferences… Continue reading Information Processing In Hearing And Deaf Infants

Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

It’s that time of year again! Back-to-school is here, and kids are heading off to new classes, old friends and plenty of learning. We make sure they have the supplies they need and prepare them as best we can with letters, numbers and plenty of sleep for academic success, but what about their hearing? Hearing… Continue reading Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success