Hard To Avoid: Preschool Teachers Suffering From Auditory Fatigue

According to a study recently conducted by the Occupational and Environmental Medicine Department at the Sahlgrenska Academy, Sweden preschool teachers experience a higher rate of auditory fatigue than other women in other job groups, and more importantly, higher than a woman working in similar high noise occupational environments. Instances of hearing loss and tinnitus were… Continue reading Hard To Avoid: Preschool Teachers Suffering From Auditory Fatigue

Are Preschools Too Noisy? Hearing Implications For Early Childhood Teachers

It’s about 5:00 pm after a long day of work and you hop in the car to buzz over to your child’s preschool center to pick them up before dinner. As you open the door, you’re instantly greeted with a familiar sound – the loud, joyful glee of a couple dozen little ones and the… Continue reading Are Preschools Too Noisy? Hearing Implications For Early Childhood Teachers

The Convenience, Cost-Savings, And Concerns Of Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids

Over-the-counter hearing aids are now a possibility. That’s right; you can now add hearing aids to a shopping list. The US Food and Drug Administration will allow the sale of over-the-counter hearing aids for those people with mild to moderate hearing loss. Allowing OTC sale of hearing aids will make hearing aids accessible to people… Continue reading The Convenience, Cost-Savings, And Concerns Of Over-The-Counter Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Fittings Aren’t One Size Fits All

When it comes to ears, we are all unique, so when it comes to hearing aid fittings, no two are the same.  This is especially true with small or distorted ear canals. Different adjustments for different hearing loss If you believe you have hearing loss, often the first step is having a hearing evaluation. During… Continue reading Hearing Aid Fittings Aren’t One Size Fits All

Hearing Loss Doesn’t Discriminate

What do you think when you imagine someone with hearing loss? An elderly person, a grandparent perhaps, with gray hair and hearing aids? The truth is, that picture is no longer the whole picture of hearing loss. According to the Hearing Health Foundation, nearly 48 million Americans of all ages have at least some trouble… Continue reading Hearing Loss Doesn’t Discriminate

Wearing Headphones While Using Hearing Aids – What You Need To Know

Headphones are great. These devices are immersive; they exclude outside ambient noises and let you hear the fine details. A few other features include better sound quality, a snug fit, and they even keep your ears warm! However, if you wear hearing aids those fantastic headphones may be a nuisance. Problems involving fit, feedback, and… Continue reading Wearing Headphones While Using Hearing Aids – What You Need To Know

The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Mental Health

Hearing loss and aging seem to hand in hand. And with the baby boomer generation getting older, it seems hearing loss among the elderly is on the rise. But just because it is a naturally prevalent part of aging, becoming complacent about hearing health may be a dangerous proposition. Mental Health Consequences Anyone living with… Continue reading The Connection Between Hearing Loss and Mental Health

Hearing Loss And Mental Health: What You Need To Know

For many people, a hearing loss diagnosis can be difficult. Whether one could see the signs of hearing loss as it developed or whether it was a bit of a shock to get such a diagnosis, relearning how to live life with different hearing abilities can take a serious toll on one’s mental health. While… Continue reading Hearing Loss And Mental Health: What You Need To Know

What is the Endolymphatic Sac?

“Memorizing and regurgitating are not science. Real science is a constant investigation of the unknown.” – Abhijit Naskar Just when we think we have a handle on a structure and function of the body, we learn something entirely new. It’s this “constant investigation of the unknown” that has led scientists to now uncover the function… Continue reading What is the Endolymphatic Sac?

The Impact Of Biovariability In Hearing Loss

Like many people, you’ve probably found yourself in a situation or two where the noise level is high and your ears are completely unprotected. You may have fretted over the thought that your hearing may be exposed to damage, or you may have been very young and not had that thought at all. Previous Understanding… Continue reading The Impact Of Biovariability In Hearing Loss