Is Listening Making You Tired? Here Is What You Can Do About It

Fatigue. The moments when our brain and our bodies simply can’t do anymore.What if we want to hear a message and exhaust ourselves trying to hear it? Listening fatigue, also known as auditory fatigue, is a problem for many people and can be especially trying to those who are hearing impaired. Listening Fatigue So how… Continue reading Is Listening Making You Tired? Here Is What You Can Do About It

A Day With Hearing Impairment

Life is challenging. It can be especially grueling for those with hearing problems. It can profoundly affect not just the individual with the hearing loss, but family, friends, and co-workers as well. Untreated hearing loss can lead to fatigue, depression, stress, and anxiety. Alertness decreases, the risk of personal safety increases, job performance suffers, and… Continue reading A Day With Hearing Impairment

What is Listening Fatigue?

Listening fatigue is exactly what it sounds like; it happens after a lengthy time frame of listening to any noise. Music or talk, television, radio and anything else that creates sound and can be tiring. This type of fatigue will leave you feeling uncomfortable, weary, potentially in some pain and a loss of sensitivity. This… Continue reading What is Listening Fatigue?

Exploring Some Amazing Features of Modern Hearing Aids

Most of the time, hearing aids come with a negative stigma of being large, ugly, and not quite all they’re cracked up to be. However, today’s modern hearing aids have thrown away those stereotypes and are much smaller and more effective. Let’s briefly explore some of the amazing options that are available should you find… Continue reading Exploring Some Amazing Features of Modern Hearing Aids

No Shame in Hearing Loss

No matter your age, hearing loss can affect anyone; it has no boundaries when it comes to gender, race or ethnicity either. In fact, it’s an equal opportunity challenge! The Hearing Loss Association of America estimates that about 20 percent of Americans are impacted to some degree. There are four levels of impact based on… Continue reading No Shame in Hearing Loss

Four Ways to Talk Yourself Out of Getting a Hearing Aid

“I can’t hear you, so I’ll just laugh and hope it wasn’t a question.” Sound familiar? You are not alone. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, less than 25% of people who need hearing aids get them. Why the denial? Why do we labor so hard to avoid using a device that can dramatically improve… Continue reading Four Ways to Talk Yourself Out of Getting a Hearing Aid

The Top Reasons to Stop Stalling on Getting a Hearing Aid

It’s not unusual to experience resistance towards getting hearing aids, or even towards the thought that you just might need them. Losing the sense of hearing often occurs over a long period of time, decades even, and the gradual nature of the loss can leave us unaware of just how much we’re no longer hearing… Continue reading The Top Reasons to Stop Stalling on Getting a Hearing Aid

Eating for Healthy Hearing

This season has many of us reevaluating our diets and health, be it in response to overindulgences during the holidays or merely an interest to finally reach our lofty health goals. The truth is, most of us already know what we should be doing to stay healthy– it’s the actually doing it part that has… Continue reading Eating for Healthy Hearing

Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aid technology has experienced an explosion of advancement in the last several decades. These days, designs and features evolve so fast that it’s often hard to keep track of it all, let alone decide which options are worth their weight.   Hearing aids, like most electronics, rode the ‘digital revolution’ wave in the late… Continue reading Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology

Hearing aid technology has experienced an explosion of advancement in the last several decades. These days, designs and features evolve so fast that it’s often hard to keep track of it all, let alone decide which options are worth their weight.   Hearing aids, like most electronics, rode the ‘digital revolution’ wave in the late… Continue reading Is It Really Worth It? Recent Advancements in Hearing Aid Technology