5 Vitamins and Minerals You Need In Your Hearing Healthy Diet

Taking precautions to protect your hearing is a critical component in making sure your hearing health stays in tip-top shape, but protection can come in many forms. Wearing hearing protection like earplugs or earmuffs and avoiding exposure to loud noises are obvious, but did you know that certain vitamins, acids, and minerals will not only… Continue reading 5 Vitamins and Minerals You Need In Your Hearing Healthy Diet

Can Hearing Loss Cause Personality Changes?

Some social effects of hearing loss are obvious. In addition to difficulties in hearing, a person with hearing loss may become less likely to participate in social activities, undergo more stress in social situations, and experience new challenges in their personal relationships. However, research suggests that the changes may run even deeper – indicating that… Continue reading Can Hearing Loss Cause Personality Changes?

What Is Listening Fatigue and How Can You Overcome It?

When you think of your ability to hear, you might think of your ears first, but your brain plays an essential role in your ability to listen, understand, and speak. Your ears and brain work together to process sound, understand the meaning, and formulate a response or reaction. Because of this connection, it’s important to… Continue reading What Is Listening Fatigue and How Can You Overcome It?

Living with Untreated Hearing Loss

Have you ever considered the difference hearing can make in day-to-day life?  If you haven’t yet experienced hearing loss, you may wonder just what it would be like to have a limited sense of hearing. How would your communication change? What impact would a hearing loss have on the things you do every day? It… Continue reading Living with Untreated Hearing Loss

Recycling Hearing Aids and Hearing Aid Batteries

So, you recycle your paper and plastics, upcycle boxes and food jars into storage solutions, avoid food waste, and use reusable bags for shopping. If you have hearing aids, you may also be wondering how to do something similar with those and your hearing aid batteries. Hearing aids, our hearing and hearing needs are always… Continue reading Recycling Hearing Aids and Hearing Aid Batteries

A Day in the Life of a Person with Hearing Loss

If you have always lived with normal hearing, it may be difficult to understand what it’s like to live with hearing loss. Let’s take an imaginary trip into the life of a person with hearing loss. You wake up – not because you could hear an alarm or any normal household sounds, but because you… Continue reading A Day in the Life of a Person with Hearing Loss

Is Your Personality Changing Because of Hearing Loss?

We hear so many things about hearing loss including: How to get a hearing evaluation The best hearing aids to purchase Tips for hearing better in crowds. While these are all important topics to discuss and details to know, many headlines these days dig deeper into the often unseen effects of hearing loss. The fact… Continue reading Is Your Personality Changing Because of Hearing Loss?

What To Do With Used Hearing Aids And Batteries

Perhaps it is time to get rid of your hearing aids. Maybe you are considering an upgrade to a device with more features, or you now have a cochlear implant? No matter the reason, please do not merely throw the hearing aids away. It may be of use to a person who can’t afford hearing… Continue reading What To Do With Used Hearing Aids And Batteries

Mimicking The Brain’s Ability To Distinguish One Voice From Many With New Hearing Aid Technology

The brain does a fantastic job of picking out individual voices in noisy environments. This process, known as the cocktail party effect, is a remarkable human ability. This aptitude for understanding speech in the presence of noise is challenging for a person with hearing loss. Advanced hearing aids have trouble deciphering speech in noisy environments.… Continue reading Mimicking The Brain’s Ability To Distinguish One Voice From Many With New Hearing Aid Technology

Reconsidering The Term “Hearing Impaired”

The Deaf and hard of hearing community consists of a diverse group of individuals from all backgrounds. Variations exist in the way these people became deaf, level of hearing, age of onset, educational experience, communication methods, and cultural identity. How people within this community identify themselves is a personal choice and may reflect upon which… Continue reading Reconsidering The Term “Hearing Impaired”