What Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Mean for Audiology

The hearing health care industry is changing rapidly. From technological advances in diagnosis and hearing loss solutions to hearing aid accessibility itself, hearing healthcare professionals are racing to keep up and continue to serve patients at the highest level. This shift has become even more apparent with the recent approval of over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids.… Continue reading What Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids Mean for Audiology

How to Communicate More Compassionately With People With Hearing Loss

Before we truly even notice it, our lives are enriched by the sounds around us. Whether that be the laughter of a close friend or a night out at your local club, sound connects us to the world and to our loved ones. Without this ability, our quality of life and our understanding of the… Continue reading How to Communicate More Compassionately With People With Hearing Loss

Revolutionary Treatment For Hearing Loss Is On Its Way: Inner Ear Drug Delivery

Whether it be a breathtaking symphony or heartfelt conversation across the dinner table with family and friends, sound plays a pivotal role in our everyday lives. Without this aspect of life, study after study concludes our quality of life, happiness, and relationships can greatly suffer. Unfortunately, this is the reality for over 48 million Americans… Continue reading Revolutionary Treatment For Hearing Loss Is On Its Way: Inner Ear Drug Delivery

Winter Weather Vs. Hearing Aids; How To Protect Them This Winter

Winter means snow, ice, and taking extra precautions to keep yourself safe. For individuals who wear hearing aids, it also means taking steps to protect the sensitive electronics in the devices. Moisture and freezing temperatures can damage hearing aids or keep them from optimal performance. As the snow falls, and the thermostat drops, take precautions… Continue reading Winter Weather Vs. Hearing Aids; How To Protect Them This Winter

What You Need to Know About Sudden Hearing Loss

Imagine for a minute going about your day, picking up the mail, running errands, seeing friends and family, going to work, and then out of the blue losing your hearing. It would be a scary prospect and something that affects people around the world every day. It’s called Sudden Hearing Loss, and here’s what you… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Sudden Hearing Loss

4 Tips to Best Communicate with Those with Hearing Loss

“Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.” -Nat Turner Communication is an essential part of our lives. Whether it’s with family or friends, the checker at the grocery store, the agent at our insurance company or someone else, effective communication can make all the difference. Communication, effective communication, especially, is also something we… Continue reading 4 Tips to Best Communicate with Those with Hearing Loss

What You Need to Know about Sudden Hearing Loss

Unless you personally know someone who has experienced sudden hearing loss, odds are that you do not know much about it. In fact, many people have never heard of it at all. Most hearing loss occurs gradually over time, usually during a period of months or even years. This may be age-related hearing loss, or… Continue reading What You Need to Know about Sudden Hearing Loss

Do You Really Need an Annual Hearing Test?

Did you know that you should get a hearing test every year once you reach the age of 55? While getting an annual hearing test may not seem very exciting – or even necessary, if you feel that you have good hearing – it is an important step in ensuring that you stay healthy and… Continue reading Do You Really Need an Annual Hearing Test?

Hearing Insurance Might Make Hearing Aids More Accessible

Let?s face it: Hearing aids are expensive. While hearing aids can be life-changing for people with hearing loss, their high cost makes them inaccessible for a significant number of people who would otherwise benefit from these devices. Although the vast majority of us pay into some form of health insurance plan each month, few, if… Continue reading Hearing Insurance Might Make Hearing Aids More Accessible

Earwax Removal Do’s & Don’ts

Earwax is one of those things everyone has to deal with. It is completely normal, and it is designed to protect and clean the ear. Because of its waxy consistency, earwax (also called cerumen) can help to protect the ear from foreign particles, dust, bacteria, and other microorganisms. As part of your body’s normal functioning,… Continue reading Earwax Removal Do’s & Don’ts