FDA Approval On The Horizon For A New Drug That May Prevent Hearing Loss

About 20% of the population of the United States or 48 million people experience some degree of hearing loss. It is a significant health concern which ranks as the third most common physical condition behind arthritis and heart disease. The treatments for hearing loss include prevention by avoiding loud noise, and treatment through the use… Continue reading FDA Approval On The Horizon For A New Drug That May Prevent Hearing Loss

How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Have you ever wished for an easy way to find quieter restaurants and bars? If you have been diagnosed with hearing loss, chances are you’ve spent time researching noise levels at venues. One of the biggest concerns for those with hearing loss is background noise, and a new app called SoundPrint promises to help alleviate… Continue reading How SoundPrint Can Help Those With Hearing Loss

Why High Blood Pressure Is Bad For Our Ears

According to a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Audiology, there is a definitive link between hearing loss and heart health. One of the most common indicators of a healthy heart is a healthy blood pressure rate. Blood pressure measures the force and rate of our heartbeats, which can give doctors a good… Continue reading Why High Blood Pressure Is Bad For Our Ears

Great News For Tax Season, Your Hearing Aids Are Deductible!

It is that time of year again. Tax season. As April 15 quickly approaches, you may be scrambling to get your tax documents in order. If you or a loved one is hearing impaired, there may be a pleasant surprise waiting for you. Hearing aids are tax deductible! The good news does not stop there.… Continue reading Great News For Tax Season, Your Hearing Aids Are Deductible!

What You Need To Know About Your Hearing Aid Tax Deduction

Are you missing out on an important tax deduction? If you have hearing aids and itemize when you file your tax returns, you may be! Whether you have yet to file your 2017 tax returns or you are already planning for your 2018 tax returns, here’s what you need to know about your tax-deductible hearing… Continue reading What You Need To Know About Your Hearing Aid Tax Deduction

Spider Silk May Be The Key To Better Hearing Aids

Can you imagine that future advancements in hearing devices may be dependent upon one of the most creepy and hated insects alive? While most people may simply laugh at the idea that a spider may hold the key to developing more effective hearing aids, a study conducted in October 2017 indicates this eight-legged creature may… Continue reading Spider Silk May Be The Key To Better Hearing Aids

Reading Difficulties May Indicate Hearing Loss in Children

By the time most children turn 8-years old, they are normally capable of reading at a sufficient level. However, have you ever wondered why some kids struggle harder than others with reading difficulties? An undiagnosed hearing loss may actually be an overlooked cause for this learning delay. Many children sit in classroom settings throughout the… Continue reading Reading Difficulties May Indicate Hearing Loss in Children

PSAPs vs. Hearing Aids – Is the Cheaper Option Better?

After years of being in denial regarding your hearing loss, you finally faced the reality that you need to see a hearing specialist. You make an appointment with your local provider for a hearing evaluation. The visit confirms your suspicion that you are in desperate need of a hearing aid. This news really doesn’t shock… Continue reading PSAPs vs. Hearing Aids – Is the Cheaper Option Better?

Reading Difficulties and Hearing Loss in Children

Hearing plays a critical role in speech, language development, communication, and learning. Academic delays caused by a hearing loss often lead to learning problems. According to recent information from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1.3 of 1000 8-year-olds have bilateral hearing loss of 40 decibels (dB) or more which profoundly affects their ability to… Continue reading Reading Difficulties and Hearing Loss in Children

What Is A PSAP And Is It Better Than A Hearing Aid?

Consumers pay large sums of money for hearing aids. To combat this cost, people with hearing problems now have another option available to them. Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAPs) are available over the counter and come with a significantly smaller price tag than hearing aids. However, before you drive to your local shopping mall and… Continue reading What Is A PSAP And Is It Better Than A Hearing Aid?