7 Seasonal Foods to Enhance Your Hearing Health

There are many things you can do to help protect your hearing, from wearing protective ear coverings when exposed to loud noise, to working with a hearing healthcare professional to find the best hearing aid after a diagnosis of hearing loss. Did you know that a healthy lifestyle, including a nutritious diet, could also help… Continue reading 7 Seasonal Foods to Enhance Your Hearing Health

Great Apps for Phone Captioning

Name a task, and there is a great chance there is an app for it. There are apps for health, productivity, entertainment, navigation, banking, and a zillion other applications. If you have a hearing loss, some apps can assist you with making life a little bit easier. The following is a listing of a few… Continue reading Great Apps for Phone Captioning

Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids—How to Choose the Best Device for Your Hearing Loss

Did you know that you can purchase a hearing device at your local department store? It is true; you can buy a device that will amplify sounds for you. Although people buy these devices instead of a hearing aid, they are not approved medical products. These devices, intended to be used by individuals with normal… Continue reading Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids—How to Choose the Best Device for Your Hearing Loss

Gallaudet University’s Unique Building Design for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

When you consider technology designed for the hearing impaired, it is likely that hearing aids, cochlear implants, and closed-captioning top the list. Would construction come to mind? Gallaudet University which is the world’s only liberal arts institution for the deaf is architecturally designing space specifically for the hearing impaired. With the goal of making communication… Continue reading Gallaudet University’s Unique Building Design for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired

The Zika Virus and Hearing Loss in Adults

The recent Olympic Games in Brazil brought the Zika virus to the world’s notice.  We all heard about athletes choosing to drop out of the games rather than risk exposure.  Recently, the WHO (World Health Organization) declared Zika a “public health emergency of international concern.” What is Zika? Zika is a Flavivirus carried by mosquitos.… Continue reading The Zika Virus and Hearing Loss in Adults

Is Listening Making You Tired? Here Is What You Can Do About It

Fatigue. The moments when our brain and our bodies simply can’t do anymore.What if we want to hear a message and exhaust ourselves trying to hear it? Listening fatigue, also known as auditory fatigue, is a problem for many people and can be especially trying to those who are hearing impaired. Listening Fatigue So how… Continue reading Is Listening Making You Tired? Here Is What You Can Do About It

No Shame in Hearing Loss

No matter your age, hearing loss can affect anyone; it has no boundaries when it comes to gender, race or ethnicity either. In fact, it’s an equal opportunity challenge! The Hearing Loss Association of America estimates that about 20 percent of Americans are impacted to some degree. There are four levels of impact based on… Continue reading No Shame in Hearing Loss

Four Ways to Talk Yourself Out of Getting a Hearing Aid

“I can’t hear you, so I’ll just laugh and hope it wasn’t a question.” Sound familiar? You are not alone. According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, less than 25% of people who need hearing aids get them. Why the denial? Why do we labor so hard to avoid using a device that can dramatically improve… Continue reading Four Ways to Talk Yourself Out of Getting a Hearing Aid

The Effects of Hearing Disabilities

Hellen Keller once mentioned that while people are separated from objects due to vision impairment, they are distanced from other people (often their loved ones) due to deafness. While any disability affects one’s life in a manner that is beyond measure, the lack of general awareness in case of this “invisible disability” cannot be denied.… Continue reading The Effects of Hearing Disabilities

The Real Impact of Hearing Loss

Helen Keller once shared that blindness separates people from things, but deafness separates people from other people. While it’s difficult to decide if the loss of one physical sense is qualitatively worse than another, it’s definitely hard to deny the difference in public awareness of between these conditions. After all, hearing loss is considered the… Continue reading The Real Impact of Hearing Loss