Hearing Insurance Might Make Hearing Aids More Accessible

Let?s face it: Hearing aids are expensive. While hearing aids can be life-changing for people with hearing loss, their high cost makes them inaccessible for a significant number of people who would otherwise benefit from these devices. Although the vast majority of us pay into some form of health insurance plan each month, few, if… Continue reading Hearing Insurance Might Make Hearing Aids More Accessible

The Importance of Closed-Captioning

If you are a person with normal hearing, you probably do not pay much attention to closed-captioning on your favorite television shows, your streaming service, or your online videos. At least, you don’t pay much attention to it until you cannot access the sound for some reason or another. Suddenly, you do not understand what’s… Continue reading The Importance of Closed-Captioning

How “Tickling” the Ear Could Help You Age More Healthily

The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but are your ears the windows to your autonomic nervous system? New research conducted at the University of Leeds has found that using the ear to send small electrical currents to the vagus nerve can stimulate the nervous system. For those over 55 years old, this… Continue reading How “Tickling” the Ear Could Help You Age More Healthily

Hearing Loss Caused By Antibiotics? Inflammation in Mice May Hold the Key

Life-saving antibiotics may be one of the single greatest contributions to the scientific community since the creation of Penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming. Responsible for saving millions of lives on an annual basis, the positives regarding antibiotics cannot be understated. But like all medication, side-effects can occur when taking antibiotics ranging from nausea, headaches,… Continue reading Hearing Loss Caused By Antibiotics? Inflammation in Mice May Hold the Key

The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Concussions have garnered worldwide attention for their effects on players in the NFL, professional boxers, and their relations to sudden deaths, making them a dangerous reality for many athletes and recreation enthusiasts. In fact, the CDC estimates between 1.6-3.8 million sports and recreation-related concussions occur every year. With such a high volume of cases, this… Continue reading The Risks of Concussions on Your Hearing Brain

Hereditary Hearing Loss? Experiments in Mice Show A Promising Future

Estimated to be about 35-55% of all age-related hearing loss cases, genetic hereditary hearing loss is more common than you may think, and even more confounding to the medical community. Caused by a myriad of genetic mutations ranging from disorders to ear deformation at birth, the exact genetic reason may be difficult to pinpoint in… Continue reading Hereditary Hearing Loss? Experiments in Mice Show A Promising Future

Assistive Listening Systems And What They Can Do For You

Assistive listening systems (ALS) are simple amplifiers that bring sound directly into the ear. They are designed to separate sounds, such as speech, from background noise, thereby improving the speech to noise ratio. These devices work by supplying amplified sound via a Bluetooth connection to headphones or hearing aids. So, what are the different types… Continue reading Assistive Listening Systems And What They Can Do For You

How Antibiotics May Cause Hearing Loss

We’re familiar with noise or even genetics as a cause of hearing loss, but did you know that certain medications may also damage hearing health? These days we are lucky enough to have a wide variety of pain-relieving and life-saving medicines at our disposal. Unfortunately, they often come with side effects, and in the case… Continue reading How Antibiotics May Cause Hearing Loss

Gender and Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can happen to anyone at any age, regardless of race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic background. However, there are some groups of people that are predisposed to hearing loss for a variety of different reasons. Often, the groups of people that are more likely to experience hearing loss have a variety of different occupational and… Continue reading Gender and Hearing Loss

Your Antibiotics Can Cause Hearing Loss

At some point in our lives, we’ve all been sick. Whether it’s a common cold, a nasty stomach bug, or a sinus infection, we all know what it’s like to feel under the weather. Thanks to modern medicine, however, many of us can get relief from troublesome symptoms or even be cured of our ailments… Continue reading Your Antibiotics Can Cause Hearing Loss