Mimicking The Brain’s Ability To Distinguish One Voice From Many With New Hearing Aid Technology

The brain does a fantastic job of picking out individual voices in noisy environments. This process, known as the cocktail party effect, is a remarkable human ability. This aptitude for understanding speech in the presence of noise is challenging for a person with hearing loss. Advanced hearing aids have trouble deciphering speech in noisy environments.… Continue reading Mimicking The Brain’s Ability To Distinguish One Voice From Many With New Hearing Aid Technology

Eating To Protect Your Hearing

Healthy eating is vital to good health. The proper function of the body depends upon foods that contain the minerals that help keep us well. Did you know that certain foods and minerals can also benefit your hearing health? Read on to find foods and minerals that can help to improve your communication. Foods That… Continue reading Eating To Protect Your Hearing

The Neural and Cognitive Benefits of Hearing Aid Use

Though more than 35 million Americans, or 11.3% of the entire US population, suffer from varying degrees of hearing loss, according to the 2008 Kochkin survey more than 25 million do not use a hearing aid even when it can directly benefit them. Hearing aid benefits surpass just helping you hear more efficiently, with new… Continue reading The Neural and Cognitive Benefits of Hearing Aid Use

To Hear or Not to Hear, Wait, What Was the Question?

As we age, it’s normal to experience some decline in certain areas of overall health. While some people fear a decline in mobility, others feel that losing their memory could be the worst outcome. Decreased brain function is a normal occurrence in older adults, just like hearing loss. As we age, we lose brain tissue,… Continue reading To Hear or Not to Hear, Wait, What Was the Question?

Tinnitus – Sounds in a World of Silence

With over 50 million people living with tinnitus, it’s surprising that there is currently no cure for this disorder, which can be classified as both audiological and neurological. According to the American Tinnitus Association (ATA), the symptoms of this condition are often described as a broad range of sounds such as: Buzzing Clicking Hissing Insect… Continue reading Tinnitus – Sounds in a World of Silence

Surprising Risk Factors For Hearing Loss

When many of us consider the classic risk factors for hearing loss, we think of things such as a traumatic injury or a lifetime of exposure to loud noise. While these events and environmental issues are, indeed, significant risk factors for hearing loss, there are many other risk factors for hearing loss that fly under… Continue reading Surprising Risk Factors For Hearing Loss

Tips and Tricks for Job Hunting with Hearing Loss

Job hunting under normal circumstances can be a stressful venture. The unsureness of change, finding the right fit, and then being awarded the position. Making your way in a new workplace, being a successful and productive addition to a new team are all big and potentially intimidating changes any job hunter faces. When you live… Continue reading Tips and Tricks for Job Hunting with Hearing Loss

7 Risk Factors for Hearing Loss You May Have Missed

Are you at higher risk for hearing loss? You may avoid noisy environments, use hearing protection whenever you can and maybe even get a hearing evaluation every once in a while knowing that aging itself can cause hearing loss, but you could still be at higher risk than you realize thanks to these surprising risk… Continue reading 7 Risk Factors for Hearing Loss You May Have Missed

How To Avoid Losing Your Hearing Aids

Losing the ability to hear is bad enough, but what if you lose your hearing aids too? Losing hearing aids is more common than you might think. If your hearing aids are not in your ears or a safe storage container when not in use, there is no limit to the ways a hearing aid… Continue reading How To Avoid Losing Your Hearing Aids

How to Prevent Losing Your Hearing Aids (And What to Do If You Misplace Them)

When was the last time you lost your keys? Your wallet? The TV remote? What about your hearing aids? You might think you would never lose something so necessary and valuable as your hearing aids, but many people do! One audiologist, Dr. Melissa Danchak, AuD, noted that she typically sees an average of three people… Continue reading How to Prevent Losing Your Hearing Aids (And What to Do If You Misplace Them)