What Is A PSAP And Is It Better Than A Hearing Aid?

Consumers pay large sums of money for hearing aids. To combat this cost, people with hearing problems now have another option available to them. Personal Sound Amplification Products (PSAPs) are available over the counter and come with a significantly smaller price tag than hearing aids. However, before you drive to your local shopping mall and… Continue reading What Is A PSAP And Is It Better Than A Hearing Aid?

Untreated Hearing Loss and Its Impact on Your Life

48 million people have a degree of hearing loss, and the majority of those individuals choose to ignore it. Hearing impairment can dramatically affect your life in many ways you may be overlooking. So if you are among the many who experience a loss of hearing, please consider the consequences if you choose to do… Continue reading Untreated Hearing Loss and Its Impact on Your Life

Could Spiders Make Your Hearing Aid More Effective?

These days the itsy bitsy spider is doing more than just climbing the waterspout. It’s inspiring researchers, and it may be spinning the future of directional microphone technology for hearing aids.   With millions of Americans now affected by hearing loss and tinnitus, scientists and hearing aid companies are making it a top priority to… Continue reading Could Spiders Make Your Hearing Aid More Effective?

Tinnitus And Emotional Processing: New Study Offers Hope

Are you ready for a shocking statistic? It is believed that tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, affects over 45 million Americans, and is considered one of the most common health conditions in the United States. This symptom, not a disease in itself, can be more than just a nuisance or minor frustration. Talk to… Continue reading Tinnitus And Emotional Processing: New Study Offers Hope

Why Two Hearing Aids Are Always Better Than One

Millions of people around the world are now affected by hearing loss and the effects it can have on relationships and daily life. When hearing loss becomes a concern, the decision to see a professional for a hearing evaluation and get fitted for hearing aids can be a big one. You may wonder how hearing… Continue reading Why Two Hearing Aids Are Always Better Than One

Winter Weather And Earwax

Anyone who lives in a cold climate knows that the tips of the ears are one of the first body parts to feel that frigid, wintry blast of air hitting the body.  It starts with a little discomfort at the top of the ears and then it goes to redness, and sometimes even pain.  We… Continue reading Winter Weather And Earwax

Advancements In Genetic Research Are Helping Us Learn More About Deafness

Hearing loss is a public health concern worldwide, and the life-changing effects of deafness are a problem for many individuals within our society.  There was a time when deafness would confine a person to live a life in total silence. However, the future is promising for deaf people. American Sign Language (ASL) enables people to… Continue reading Advancements In Genetic Research Are Helping Us Learn More About Deafness

First Valentine's Day With Hearing Aids? Here's Some Advice

Take an excursion to your local department store or florist, and you will quickly find out that love and romance are in the air. Chocolate, roses, and other assorted goodies are ready to be gifted to your loved ones. Underneath the glow of red and pink hearts is the reality of the holiday. Valentine’s day… Continue reading First Valentine's Day With Hearing Aids? Here's Some Advice

Musicians Need Earplugs Too!

The chances are that if you attend a rock concert, an orchestra recital, or go to a jazz club, you will see musicians wearing earplugs. The reason is simple and probably obvious. Musicians wear earplugs to protect their hearing from irreversible hearing damage. The ability to hear well is vital to a musician, making earplugs… Continue reading Musicians Need Earplugs Too!

Top Captioning Apps for Your Phone

Phones are an integral part of our daily lives, and being able to communicate via phone is almost essential. With hearing loss or hearing impairment, this may mean assistive technology designed to help you take part in the conversation. This budding technology now includes apps for phone captioning. While special captioning phone systems are available for home,… Continue reading Top Captioning Apps for Your Phone