The Link Between Oral Health And Hearing Loss

Did you ever think while standing in front of the mirror, scrubbing away at your teeth, that you’d be contributing your auditory health, too? It’s true. Proper tooth and gum care have a direct contribution to the health of the rest of your body, including your ears and auditory processing system. Healthy hearing can be… Continue reading The Link Between Oral Health And Hearing Loss

Concerned About Hearing Loss? You Might Want to Brush Your Teeth

While many of us are concerned about how exposure to loud noises can affect our hearing health, it turns out that we’ve been ignoring a critical aspect of hearing loss for far too long – our mouths. When we slack off on brushing and flossing our teeth, we start to develop harmful bacteria in our… Continue reading Concerned About Hearing Loss? You Might Want to Brush Your Teeth

Could Your Oral Health Be To Blame For Hearing Loss?

You’ve probably heard it all before, how important it is to care for your teeth. But did you know that oral health is now being linked to the health of other systems within the body? That’s right! The health of your mouth may also be an indicator of heart health, joint health and even hearing… Continue reading Could Your Oral Health Be To Blame For Hearing Loss?