Information Processing In Hearing And Deaf Infants

We all learn differently, whether that be because we have a learning difference or because we prefer to read about a topic rather than listen to a lecture on it. For most of us, however, we process information quite similarly and use similar neurological pathways in our brains to understand complex topics despite our preferences… Continue reading Information Processing In Hearing And Deaf Infants

Audiologic Considerations For People With Normal Hearing Who Experience Difficulty With Speech-In-Noise

Understanding speech-in-noise (SIN) is a frequent complaint of the approximately 38 million people in the United States who have a hearing loss. Hearing aid wearers often struggle with SIN too despite the advanced devices in their ears. However, there is an additional 26 million Americans with normal hearing who also complain of hearing difficulty and… Continue reading Audiologic Considerations For People With Normal Hearing Who Experience Difficulty With Speech-In-Noise

Hearing Aid FAQs

The hearing aids of today are nothing like those of yesteryear, but not everyone knows this. Stigmas revolve relentlessly around hearing aid use, causing millions of Americans who would benefit from their application to avoid even considering one. What if we could help dispell some of the misperceptions out there about hearing aids? How many… Continue reading Hearing Aid FAQs

Now There’s An App That Detects Hearing Loss

These days it seems like there is an app for just about anything. From managing finances to playing a video game, there is something for everyone. Health apps are prevalent and very helpful for a variety of healthcare concerns. If you are concerned with your hearing, there might be an app for you too. Thankfully,… Continue reading Now There’s An App That Detects Hearing Loss

Could Your Oral Health Be To Blame For Hearing Loss?

You’ve probably heard it all before, how important it is to care for your teeth. But did you know that oral health is now being linked to the health of other systems within the body? That’s right! The health of your mouth may also be an indicator of heart health, joint health and even hearing… Continue reading Could Your Oral Health Be To Blame For Hearing Loss?

Seven Hearing Resolutions for 2018

There really is something special about the first day of a new year. It holds potential and possibilities for the next 365 days and it is a wonderful time to embark on a plan to transform your habits. Improving one’s health is one of the most popular resolutions in a new year, but focusing on… Continue reading Seven Hearing Resolutions for 2018

These 9 Questions Need Answering Before Leaving Your Hearing Evaluation

What are my current hearing abilities? You probably already have a good idea of what you can or can’t hear based on your daily experiences. A hearing professional should be able to explain any hearing changes you are going through and what the source is behind any hearing loss you may be experiencing. Establishing these… Continue reading These 9 Questions Need Answering Before Leaving Your Hearing Evaluation