Future Tech: Hearing Aids That Can Monitor Vital Signs

Today’s hearing aids are sleek and advanced technological wonders. They can connect to, and be controlled by, a smartphone. They can sync to sound systems at home and at a theater. They have omnidirectional microphones, app-connecting capabilities, and intelligence that allows them to identify background noises to be dampened to allow conversations to be heard… Continue reading Future Tech: Hearing Aids That Can Monitor Vital Signs

Carbon Monoxide Monitors and Smoke Detectors for the Hearing Impaired

Cold weather is here along with the risks associated with home heating systems. The threat of fire and carbon monoxide poisoning increases significantly during the winter months. For the deaf and hearing impaired who cannot hear the audible alarms of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, the risk increases substantially. Alerting the Hearing Impaired Smoke alarms… Continue reading Carbon Monoxide Monitors and Smoke Detectors for the Hearing Impaired

Time to Turn it Down!

Written by: Dr. Phoebe Clouser, AuD               We live in a very noisy world, whether it’s traffic on the street, listening to music over headphones, or blow drying your hair.  Noise can be a large contributor to hearing loss in both adults and teenagers.  According to a study published in The Journal of the American Medical… Continue reading Time to Turn it Down!

Could Your Next Hearing Aid Also Monitor Your Heart Health?

Every day our knowledge about the human body and how it functions as a complete and interconnected system rapidly grows. Experts are quickly realizing that symptoms and conditions once thought to be isolated are in fact often connected to other systems and underlying conditions. This is also true of hearing loss. In recent years, hearing… Continue reading Could Your Next Hearing Aid Also Monitor Your Heart Health?

4 Resolutions for Healthier Hearing

Each January, millions of people across the country and around the world make new year’s resolutions for better health from losing weight to exercising more to taking more time for themselves. This year, why not make resolutions for hearing health? Hearing is precious and caring for it is an often-overlooked part of self-care. Hearing loss… Continue reading 4 Resolutions for Healthier Hearing

Tips for Protecting Your Ears in Cold Weather

When the weather outside is frightful, make sure to dress appropriately and think layers. Our bodies strive to maintain a core temperature around 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, and being in a cold environment for extended periods of time interferes with that. The body uses several mechanisms to retain heat when faced with cold temperatures. First, it… Continue reading Tips for Protecting Your Ears in Cold Weather

Mindful Meditation And Tinnitus

We’ve all experienced settling in for a restful night’s sleep in a quiet room. We snuggle down under the covers and relax our minds, waiting for beautiful slumber to set in. Then, we hear the sink drip. Or we hear a tree branch tap a window. After a few minutes, we can’t do anything but… Continue reading Mindful Meditation And Tinnitus

What You Should Know About Over-the-Counter Hearing Devices

Several months ago, the Food and Drug Administration Reauthorization Act of 2017 was signed into law. This legislation includes the Over the Counter Hearing Aid Act designed to provide consumers with over-the-counter (OTC) hearing aids that are more cost-effective and more accessible. According to The Hearing Review, “the new legislation will require the FDA to… Continue reading What You Should Know About Over-the-Counter Hearing Devices

Seven Hearing Resolutions for 2018

There really is something special about the first day of a new year. It holds potential and possibilities for the next 365 days and it is a wonderful time to embark on a plan to transform your habits. Improving one’s health is one of the most popular resolutions in a new year, but focusing on… Continue reading Seven Hearing Resolutions for 2018