The Difficulties of Hearing Loss In Old Age

Hearing loss is a common ailment in old age as a lifetime of exposure to loud noises takes its toll on the body. While a large percentage of older people use hearing aids, those with lower incomes still struggle to access hearing healthcare services and still have difficulty hearing in day-to-day situations. According to researchers… Continue reading The Difficulties of Hearing Loss In Old Age

Children With Hearing-Impairments Can Sing Their Way To Better Communication Skills

According to Miguel de Cervantes novel Don Quixote, a person who sings will frighten their ills away. While it may not be true that music can chase away evil spirits, It is true that music has great therapeutic value. Music, especially singing, has a powerful effect on our health. The therapeutic value of music, especially… Continue reading Children With Hearing-Impairments Can Sing Their Way To Better Communication Skills

Audiologic Considerations For People With Normal Hearing Who Experience Difficulty With Speech-In-Noise

Understanding speech-in-noise (SIN) is a frequent complaint of the approximately 38 million people in the United States who have a hearing loss. Hearing aid wearers often struggle with SIN too despite the advanced devices in their ears. However, there is an additional 26 million Americans with normal hearing who also complain of hearing difficulty and… Continue reading Audiologic Considerations For People With Normal Hearing Who Experience Difficulty With Speech-In-Noise

What Are The Hearing Hazards in Your Own Home?

Hearing hazards are everywhere, but have you considered the hearing hazards in your own home? Here’s how to protect yourself from hearing hazards at home. You may be aware that very loud noises can damage your hearing, but did you know that sounds from everyday living can also pose a risk to your hearing ability? Based… Continue reading What Are The Hearing Hazards in Your Own Home?

How To Choose An Audiologist Or Other Hearing Health Professional

Your hearing health is very important. It’s just as important as cardiovascular health or any other major body system. So when it comes to finding a hearing health professional, such as an audiologist, be sure to take the time and care to find the best fit for you. An excellent audiologist will possess experience and… Continue reading How To Choose An Audiologist Or Other Hearing Health Professional

How To Pick A Hearing Healthcare Professional

Whether you already wear hearing aids or are concerned that you might have hearing loss, finding and deciding upon a good hearing healthcare professional can be a daunting task. A reputable hearing healthcare provider can offer a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies and treatments to help patients live life with hearing loss, so it’s important… Continue reading How To Pick A Hearing Healthcare Professional

Hearing Loss And Cognition In Adults

Our five senses – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching – are cornerstones of our experience. Without these senses, we’d have no way to interact with the world around us or any way to understand our environment. That being said, plenty of people around the world live with some form of sensory impairment, whether that… Continue reading Hearing Loss And Cognition In Adults

Adopting Children With Hearing Loss

The decision to adopt a child is a big one. Not only does one have to prepare to care for another human being, but they also need to jump through innumerable hoops to officially grow their family. When someone makes the decision to adopt a child with hearing loss, things become even more complicated as… Continue reading Adopting Children With Hearing Loss

Connecting Chronic Noise Exposure With Cardiovascular Disease

In 1910, the Nobel Prize Winner Robert Koch suggested that a time will come when we will have to fight noise as aggressively as we fight cholera and other disorders. The effects of noise are cumulative, building up over the course of a lifetime. This slow, gradual increase makes detecting hearing loss difficult until it… Continue reading Connecting Chronic Noise Exposure With Cardiovascular Disease

Hearing and Cognitive Function Go Hand-in-Hand

We all know that as we age, things change. One of those changes is often to our hearing. Age-related hearing loss affects a significant number of older adults in the United States: About 25 percent of people between the ages of 55 and 64 have some degree of hearing loss. Almost 50 percent of people… Continue reading Hearing and Cognitive Function Go Hand-in-Hand