These days it seems like there is an app for just about anything. From managing finances to playing a video game, there is something for everyone. Health apps are prevalent and very helpful for a variety of healthcare concerns. If you are concerned with your hearing, there might be an app for you too. Thankfully,… Continue reading Now There’s An App That Detects Hearing Loss
Tag: healthy hearing
Concerned About Hearing Loss? You Might Want to Brush Your Teeth
While many of us are concerned about how exposure to loud noises can affect our hearing health, it turns out that we’ve been ignoring a critical aspect of hearing loss for far too long – our mouths. When we slack off on brushing and flossing our teeth, we start to develop harmful bacteria in our… Continue reading Concerned About Hearing Loss? You Might Want to Brush Your Teeth
Could Your Oral Health Be To Blame For Hearing Loss?
You’ve probably heard it all before, how important it is to care for your teeth. But did you know that oral health is now being linked to the health of other systems within the body? That’s right! The health of your mouth may also be an indicator of heart health, joint health and even hearing… Continue reading Could Your Oral Health Be To Blame For Hearing Loss?
Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid
This Mother’s Day, like so many Mother’s Days before it, will be filled with flowers and cards, brunches, and special trips out. No matter what age, mothers everywhere will enjoy this special day filled with warm thoughts, loving embraces, and kind words. And while being surrounded by loved ones is often gift enough, most of… Continue reading Tips To Keep In Mind When Celebrating Your Mom’s First Mother’s Day With A Hearing Aid
Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That
Hearing aids improve quality of life for users. Studies have even shown that treating hearing loss can have a positive impact on feelings of depression, anxiety and social isolation. Adjusting to using a hearing aid does take some time and each person has to figure out the model and protocols that work best for them.… Continue reading Looking For A Quiet Restaurant? There’s An App For That
This New Drug May Prevent Hearing Loss
These days there seems to be a pill for just about everything, but could the next one on the horizon really help prevent hearing loss? A new study may prove that the answer to that question is, “yes.” Oricula Therapeutics of Seattle, whose scientists work at the University of Washington and Fred Hutch Cancer Research… Continue reading This New Drug May Prevent Hearing Loss
Are Hearing Aids Tax Deductible?
Since hearing aids are medical devices, they may qualify for tax deductions based on an individual’s income for a given tax year. Before making any tax filing decisions, please consult a professional tax preparer. Medical deductions exist to aid taxpayers facing significant medical costs in a tax year. Historically, the threshold for claiming a medical… Continue reading Are Hearing Aids Tax Deductible?
How to Select the Right Hearing Aid Battery
Purchasing a new hearing aid is considered by many as an expensive investment, especially factoring in the accessories that are needed to keep the device functioning at its optimal best. With so many different products on the market, how exactly do you determine which hearing aid battery will work best for your model while providing… Continue reading How to Select the Right Hearing Aid Battery
The Unsettling Link Between Hearing Loss and Dementia
Over recent years, there has been an increased focus on the impact of hearing loss beyond communication. Yes, it can prove bothersome when having a conversation in noisy places such as a restaurant, but it’s the less obvious impact to our health and our mind that is causing experts to sound the alarm about the… Continue reading The Unsettling Link Between Hearing Loss and Dementia
Untreated Hearing Loss and Its Impact on Your Life
48 million people have a degree of hearing loss, and the majority of those individuals choose to ignore it. Hearing impairment can dramatically affect your life in many ways you may be overlooking. So if you are among the many who experience a loss of hearing, please consider the consequences if you choose to do… Continue reading Untreated Hearing Loss and Its Impact on Your Life