Eating To Protect Your Hearing

Healthy eating is vital to good health. The proper function of the body depends upon foods that contain the minerals that help keep us well. Did you know that certain foods and minerals can also benefit your hearing health? Read on to find foods and minerals that can help to improve your communication. Foods That… Continue reading Eating To Protect Your Hearing

How to Choose the Best Audiologist for You

When making the decision to seek treatment for hearing loss, the options can seem daunting. What do I do first? Who can I call? What should I ask? Who is the best choice? These are all questions you may be asking yourself. Here are some simple solutions to get you heading down the right path.… Continue reading How to Choose the Best Audiologist for You

Researchers Identify A New Part Of The Age-Related Hearing Loss Puzzle

For many of us, hearing loss is just another part of getting older. It’s well known at this point that as we age, we start to slow down and change in a number of ways. Although everyone is unique, for many people, the aging process comes with decreased mobility and diminished sensory capacities, including hearing… Continue reading Researchers Identify A New Part Of The Age-Related Hearing Loss Puzzle

Hearing Loss’ Connection To Drug And Alcohol Addiction

It’s no secret that the United States is in the middle of an opioid crisis. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, an estimated 130 people die each and every day in the United States from opioid-related drug overdoses, not to mention the countless people who die from alcohol and other drug-related incidents,… Continue reading Hearing Loss’ Connection To Drug And Alcohol Addiction

Study Uncovers A New Piece of the Age-Related Hearing Loss Puzzle

Could your genetics put you at higher risk for age-related hearing loss? A new study researching some of the smallest structures of the inner ear and the role one particular gene plays indicates that may just be the case. The complicated case of age-related hearing loss Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is a… Continue reading Study Uncovers A New Piece of the Age-Related Hearing Loss Puzzle

Family Engagement Is Vital For The Success Of The Child With Hearing Loss

The majority of children with hearing loss have parents and siblings with normal hearing. Because the family’s hearing is normal, understanding and empathizing with the child that has hearing loss may create a challenge. New research indicates that engagement by the family of a child with hearing loss is vital to early development and academic… Continue reading Family Engagement Is Vital For The Success Of The Child With Hearing Loss

Lawsuit Highlights Veterans? Hearing Health

?The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.? -Jeff Miller As hearing health begins to make headlines and the importance of healthy hearing is brought into the spotlight, many are now taking steps to prevent hearing loss. Research findings are inspiring many to schedule hearing evaluations and… Continue reading Lawsuit Highlights Veterans? Hearing Health

What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss comes in all different shapes and sizes. It can be mild or severe, it can affect some tones and frequencies but not others, it can happen in the oldest of ears and the youngest, and it can be bilateral or unilateral. Every hearing loss comes with its own unique concerns and considerations, and… Continue reading What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?

What To Do And Not Do While Traveling With Hearing Aids

For most of us with hearing health issues, hearing aids are an important part of our everyday life. These tiny devices that are so integral to our quality of life must be well cared for at home or on the go. With that, there are some key steps you can take to ensure you’re maximizing… Continue reading What To Do And Not Do While Traveling With Hearing Aids

The Emotional Ramifications Of Hearing Health Decline

The increased rate of hearing loss in the older population seems to be common knowledge these days. According to Starkey, people ages 65 and older are five times more likely to suffer from hearing loss than younger people. The instances of hearing loss get even larger the older you get, too. Out of all those… Continue reading The Emotional Ramifications Of Hearing Health Decline