Tinnitus: Why So Many People Avoid Treatment

Tinnitus is an incredibly common medical issue characterized by the perception of noise in the ears in the absence of a verifiable external source of said noise. Essentially, tinnitus occurs when someone hears a ringing, clicking, hissing, or other ‘phantom noise’ in one or both ears. While tinnitus is very common, many people never seek… Continue reading Tinnitus: Why So Many People Avoid Treatment

The Next Stage Of Hearing Devices

Hearing aid technology is light years away from its humble beginnings as a metal trumpet placed in the ear! Computers in hearing aids make features such as noise reduction and speech enhancement possible. Now, the industry is taking hearing device technology to a new level. The future of hearing devices includes artificial intelligence (AI), machine… Continue reading The Next Stage Of Hearing Devices

Tips For Enjoying Your Favorite Activities With A Hearing Loss

The ability to hear is a precious gift. We often never think twice about being able to listen to the sounds of nature, our spouse’s voice, or the laughter of children. Sadly, it usually takes a hearing loss for us to think about this gift of hearing. This loss of hearing is a sad reality… Continue reading Tips For Enjoying Your Favorite Activities With A Hearing Loss

Protecting Premature Babies From Hearing Loss

Most babies have perfect hearing at birth. However, roughly 2 to 3 in every 1,000 babies in the United States are born with a hearing loss. This percentage is higher for premature births. These numbers make a hearing loss the most common congenital disability. When you consider that children rely on their hearing to learn… Continue reading Protecting Premature Babies From Hearing Loss

7 Hearing Resolutions for the New Year

There really is something special about the first day of a new year. It holds potential and possibilities for the next 365 days and it is a wonderful time to embark on a plan to transform your habits. Improving one’s health is one of the most popular resolutions in a new year but focusing on… Continue reading 7 Hearing Resolutions for the New Year

Reading Difficulties May Indicate Hearing Loss in Children

By the time most children turn 8-years old, they are normally capable of reading at a sufficient level. However, have you ever wondered why some kids struggle harder than others with reading difficulties? Undiagnosed hearing loss may actually be an overlooked cause for this learning delay. Many children sit in classroom settings throughout the entire… Continue reading Reading Difficulties May Indicate Hearing Loss in Children

Hearing Aid FAQs

The hearing aids of today are nothing like those of yesteryear, but not everyone knows this. Stigmas revolve relentlessly around hearing aid use, causing millions of Americans who would benefit from their application to avoid even considering one. What if we could help dispell some of the misperceptions out there about hearing aids? How many… Continue reading Hearing Aid FAQs

Gifts For Loved Ones With Hearing Loss

As you’re rushing around this holiday season, picking up just the right gifts for all the loved ones in your life, don’t forget to take into consideration the unique needs of every person. For the ones you love who live with hearing loss, you may want to take a moment to consider what kind of… Continue reading Gifts For Loved Ones With Hearing Loss

Deciding on a Cochlear Implant? This Information Will Help.

A hearing aid is an extraordinary device. However, sometimes a hearing aid does not provide adequate amplification to meet a user’s hearing needs. The answer may be a cochlear implant if you demonstrate limited-to-no-benefit from traditional hearing aids. This small electronic device gives a sense of sound to those who have a hearing impairment. Unlike… Continue reading Deciding on a Cochlear Implant? This Information Will Help.

Unique Gift Ideas For The Hearing Impaired

The holidays are upon us and the time for exchanging gifts is here. As you shop during this season, do not forget about those people on your list who are hearing impaired. These days the gift selection for people who have difficulty hearing is more extensive than ever before. There is something for everyone including… Continue reading Unique Gift Ideas For The Hearing Impaired