Using Music To Support Speech And Language Development In Children With Hearing Loss

Music and language are similar. Music resembles the tempo, pitch, and rhythm of normal speaking patterns. A connection exists between music and the development of speech and language skills in children with hearing impairments. Current evidence should encourage speech therapists, music therapists, music teachers, parents, and children to use music for the development of speech… Continue reading Using Music To Support Speech And Language Development In Children With Hearing Loss

Living with Untreated Hearing Loss

Have you ever considered the difference hearing can make in day-to-day life?  If you haven’t yet experienced hearing loss, you may wonder just what it would be like to have a limited sense of hearing. How would your communication change? What impact would a hearing loss have on the things you do every day? It… Continue reading Living with Untreated Hearing Loss

A Day in the Life of a Person with Hearing Loss

If you have always lived with normal hearing, it may be difficult to understand what it’s like to live with hearing loss. Let’s take an imaginary trip into the life of a person with hearing loss. You wake up – not because you could hear an alarm or any normal household sounds, but because you… Continue reading A Day in the Life of a Person with Hearing Loss

Fostering family engagement is crucial in the success of children with hearing loss

For children with hearing loss, early identification and intervention are essential to improving their communication and academic outcomes. Thanks to the development and implementation of universal newborn hearing screening, more children than ever before are having their hearing loss identified early. This allows hearing care professionals to provide intervention and support at an earlier stage… Continue reading Fostering family engagement is crucial in the success of children with hearing loss

Audiologists’ New Holistic Approaches to Managing Hearing Loss

A transition is occurring right now—right in your audiologist’s office. Now is an exciting time to be an audiologist, and it’s an excellent time to be a patient of a skilled audiologist. Audiologists are trained and licensed to evaluate, diagnose, and treat hearing loss and balance disorders. In the past, audiologists typically provided only the… Continue reading Audiologists’ New Holistic Approaches to Managing Hearing Loss

Researchers Find Link Between Premature Death And Hearing Loss

Hearing loss profoundly affects a person’s life in several ways. The inability to hear and interact with the world negatively impacts one’s physical health, emotional health, social skills, family relationships, academic and work performance, and self-esteem. As if a hearing loss by itself were not frustrating and isolating enough, several studies have now linked it… Continue reading Researchers Find Link Between Premature Death And Hearing Loss

Protecting Yourself From Hearing Hazards In Your Home

Home is where the heart is — and where all the noise is, apparently. Given today’s technological environment, our ears have to contend with much more than the typical sounds of little people and big people alike in the house, or even a pet or two. In the last several decades, the number of appliances,… Continue reading Protecting Yourself From Hearing Hazards In Your Home

Audiologic Considerations For People With Normal Hearing Who Experience Difficulty With Speech-In-Noise

Understanding speech-in-noise (SIN) is a frequent complaint of the approximately 38 million people in the United States who have a hearing loss. Hearing aid wearers often struggle with SIN too despite the advanced devices in their ears. However, there is an additional 26 million Americans with normal hearing who also complain of hearing difficulty and… Continue reading Audiologic Considerations For People With Normal Hearing Who Experience Difficulty With Speech-In-Noise

Hearing Loss And Cognition In Adults

Our five senses – seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and touching – are cornerstones of our experience. Without these senses, we’d have no way to interact with the world around us or any way to understand our environment. That being said, plenty of people around the world live with some form of sensory impairment, whether that… Continue reading Hearing Loss And Cognition In Adults

What to Know About Adopting A Child With Hearing Loss

What challenges accompany the adoption of a child with hearing loss? Researchers studied families of adopted hearing-impaired children for answers to this question. The 2018 study examines the hurdles these families must face and provides suggestions for effectively meeting the unique needs of these adopted children. Study Method Over eight months, the research team recruited… Continue reading What to Know About Adopting A Child With Hearing Loss