What You Need to Know About Hearing Loss and Visual Problems

Helen Keller, arguably one of the most famous advocates for the blind and deaf, was herself left blind and deaf after an illness at the age of two. While her name is was one you’ve probably heard more than once, she is not alone in living with both hearing loss and visual problems. Co-occurring sensorial… Continue reading What You Need to Know About Hearing Loss and Visual Problems

How a Healthy Diet Can Help Prevent Hearing Loss

Happy New Year! Did you make New Year?s resolutions this year? If so, you might be one of the many people who made a resolution to eat healthier. In fact, year after year, eating healthier is one of the most popular resolutions in the United States. You may have made your resolution to eat healthier… Continue reading How a Healthy Diet Can Help Prevent Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss, Visual Problems And Their Impact On Learning And Development

Problems with hearing and vision frequently occur among children. The welcome news is that, for the most part, the issues are temporary. However, there is new evidence that indicates that mild deficiencies in hearing and vision can impact learning and development. How often hearing and visual problems occur together during childhood and how this affects… Continue reading Hearing Loss, Visual Problems And Their Impact On Learning And Development

Helping Children With Hearing Loss Get The Most Out Of Team Sports

Sports are challenging, and for the child with a hearing loss, there are additional obstacles such as communication, safety, and protecting delicate hearing devices. Unique strategies and preparation are essential.  Extracurricular activities and sporting events teach lessons regarding teamwork, responsibility, winning, and losing. These activities are vital for the overall educational and social experiences of… Continue reading Helping Children With Hearing Loss Get The Most Out Of Team Sports

How To Have A Better Valentine’s Day And Relationship Despite Hearing Loss

Valentine’s Day is not too far off, and if you are going to be celebrating with a significant other who has a hearing loss, there may be a few hurdles for you both to overcome. Hearing loss can be difficult for couples. Studies indicate that high numbers of people with hearing loss state that their… Continue reading How To Have A Better Valentine’s Day And Relationship Despite Hearing Loss

Eating A Healthier Diet May Prevent Hearing Loss

You may be familiar with hearing loss and its association with aging. Unfortunately, age-related hearing loss is a fact of life. However, this does not mean that you must sit back and accept a hearing loss. New research is indicating that a healthy diet is an easy way to help reduce the risk of hearing… Continue reading Eating A Healthier Diet May Prevent Hearing Loss

Brain-Controlled Hearing Aids That Improve Speech Recognition in Loud Places Might Soon Become A Reality

Ever fantasize that you can control things with your mind? Sound like a sci-fi movie? Well, for hearing aid wearers, mind control might be the next big thing. Investigators from Columbia University in New York are developing a mind-controlled hearing aid. The team believes that this device can transform the ability of persons with hearing… Continue reading Brain-Controlled Hearing Aids That Improve Speech Recognition in Loud Places Might Soon Become A Reality

Be Your Own Biggest Advocate: Why We Aren’t Taking Our Hearing Loss Seriously

As we all know, Hearing Loss is incredibly common. In fact, it’s reaching epidemic proportions across the globe, prompting agencies such as the World Health Organization (WHO) to partner with their member states to develop programs targeted towards ear and hearing care. One of three between the ages of 65 and 74 will experience hearing… Continue reading Be Your Own Biggest Advocate: Why We Aren’t Taking Our Hearing Loss Seriously

How Important are your Hearing Aids?

Do you have a gym membership that you seldom use? How about that electric mixer you just HAD to have but only pull out twice a year? Do your hearing aids sit in a drawer, unused, day after day? Our society often purchases things they perceive as needed or wanted, then ends up relegating them… Continue reading How Important are your Hearing Aids?

Cochlear Implants May Not Be An Option For Everyone

Millions of Americans have now been diagnosed with hearing loss, and millions more live with hearing loss without a diagnosis. It can be mild, moderate, or severe and present in many different ways. However it shows up, it can prove frustrating when not treated most effectively. While many people with hearing loss can manage well… Continue reading Cochlear Implants May Not Be An Option For Everyone