Survey: Working With Tinnitus

“It is the working man who is the happy man.” -Benjamin Franklin It’s hard to argue that our work can be an important part of who we are. We may not always enjoy every minute of it, and we may occasionally dream of all that we’ll do when we retire from work, but the benefits… Continue reading Survey: Working With Tinnitus

The Frustrations of Working With Tinnitus

Specific jobs carry a higher risk for tinnitus than others. If you are a carpenter, pilot, musician, or street worker, you are among those at high risk for the buzzing, hissing, and ringing associated with tinnitus. If you already have tinnitus, how does the condition affect your work performance? A British study indicates that 42%… Continue reading The Frustrations of Working With Tinnitus

These Biomarkers Could Uncover Hidden Hearing Loss

It’s not unusual for a hearing health care provider to recommend getting a hearing evaluation. But what happens when you’ve already had an evaluation and the diagnosis is normal hearing even though you have a nagging suspicion that it’s really not. You may be like millions of others living with hidden hearing loss, and experts… Continue reading These Biomarkers Could Uncover Hidden Hearing Loss

The Features And Benefits Of Bluetooth Hearing Aids

Wireless Bluetooth hearing aids are a game-changer for those of you who wear hearing aids. Bluetooth hearing aids wirelessly hook up to your smartphone, TV, and computer, making it possible to stream HD quality audio right to your hearing aids. These hearing aids deliver an incredible sound quality that streams wirelessly from your electronic devices.… Continue reading The Features And Benefits Of Bluetooth Hearing Aids

6 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

Did you know that approximately 15% of the Americans are believed to have tinnitus? This ringing or buzzing in the ears is considered one of the most common health conditions in the nation. Unfortunately, there is no cure for tinnitus yet. This lack of a cure makes it that much more important to protect your… Continue reading 6 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Tinnitus

No Strings Attached: Wireless Hearing Aids and Bluetooth Technology

Hearing aid technology continues to become more and more sophisticated with each passing year, as some device’s capabilities are a better fit for a science-fiction novel rather than real life. Where past hearing aid designs have failed, Bluetooth technology has increased the ease of use for millions of hearing aid users, allowing them to stream… Continue reading No Strings Attached: Wireless Hearing Aids and Bluetooth Technology

How Do Low Iron Levels Affect Hearing Loss?

Low iron levels, or iron deficiency anemia, is a common condition. It is estimated that approximately 20 percent of women, 50 percent of pregnant women, and 3 percent of men do not consume enough iron. Hearing loss is also a common condition. Approximately 15 percent of adults aged 18 and older report some difficulty hearing.… Continue reading How Do Low Iron Levels Affect Hearing Loss?

The Benefits of Wireless Hearing Aids

In the past, hearing aids could limit a wearer from many types of personal audio devices, such as mobile phones and music players. If this is what you think of when you imagine using hearing aids, you are thinking of the hearing aids of the past! Nowadays, hearing aids are wireless and feature sophisticated technology… Continue reading The Benefits of Wireless Hearing Aids

The Link Between Viruses And Hearing Loss

Viral infections can cause hearing loss. Viral infections can directly injure inner ear structures, induce inflammatory responses, or increase susceptibility to bacterial and fungal infections leading to hearing loss. The loss of hearing that is a product of viruses can be congenital or acquired, unilateral, or bilateral. Sensorineural hearing loss is most common, although conductive… Continue reading The Link Between Viruses And Hearing Loss

The Connection Between Viruses and Hearing Loss

When you think of the causes of hearing loss, what do you think of? If you are like most people, you probably first consider age-related hearing loss or noise-induced hearing loss. While these are both common causes of hearing loss, they are certainly not the only factors that can lead to hearing loss. Certain viruses… Continue reading The Connection Between Viruses and Hearing Loss