Family Engagement Is Vital For The Success Of The Child With Hearing Loss

The majority of children with hearing loss have parents and siblings with normal hearing. Because the family’s hearing is normal, understanding and empathizing with the child that has hearing loss may create a challenge. New research indicates that engagement by the family of a child with hearing loss is vital to early development and academic… Continue reading Family Engagement Is Vital For The Success Of The Child With Hearing Loss

Lawsuit Highlights Veterans? Hearing Health

?The willingness of America’s veterans to sacrifice for our country has earned them our lasting gratitude.? -Jeff Miller As hearing health begins to make headlines and the importance of healthy hearing is brought into the spotlight, many are now taking steps to prevent hearing loss. Research findings are inspiring many to schedule hearing evaluations and… Continue reading Lawsuit Highlights Veterans? Hearing Health

Vestibular Screening For Children With Hearing Loss

The vestibular system is a link between the inner ear and the brain. The function of the vestibular system is to help a person keep their balance. If a disease or an injury affects the vestibular system, the result is called a vestibular disorder. Although poor balance is the primary symptom, vision and hearing are… Continue reading Vestibular Screening For Children With Hearing Loss

What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss comes in all different shapes and sizes. It can be mild or severe, it can affect some tones and frequencies but not others, it can happen in the oldest of ears and the youngest, and it can be bilateral or unilateral. Every hearing loss comes with its own unique concerns and considerations, and… Continue reading What is Unilateral Hearing Loss?

Is there a link between hearing loss and behavioral disorders in children?

According to the World Health Organization, hearing loss affects over 34 million children worldwide. Hearing loss has a significant effect on the language development of these children. While most hearing professionals educate the families of children with hearing loss about the language and developmental effects of hearing loss, they often do not discuss behavioral challenges.… Continue reading Is there a link between hearing loss and behavioral disorders in children?

Fostering family engagement is crucial in the success of children with hearing loss

For children with hearing loss, early identification and intervention are essential to improving their communication and academic outcomes. Thanks to the development and implementation of universal newborn hearing screening, more children than ever before are having their hearing loss identified early. This allows hearing care professionals to provide intervention and support at an earlier stage… Continue reading Fostering family engagement is crucial in the success of children with hearing loss

New Research Finds Greater Rate of Opioid & Alcohol Use Disorders Among Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Populations

If you have read or watched the news in the last year, you have probably learned that the United States is struggling with an opioid crisis. The country is dealing with an addiction problem in general, and it’s an issue that is impacting people of all backgrounds, cultures, races, ethnicities, and ages. The deaf and… Continue reading New Research Finds Greater Rate of Opioid & Alcohol Use Disorders Among Deaf & Hard-of-Hearing Populations

Great Advice For Traveling With Hearing Aids

The weather is starting to change, and the urge to hit the road is upon us. Everyone loves a vacation, including those with hearing problems. With planning and preparation, a hearing-impaired individual can avoid problems with hearing aids and enjoy their holiday to the fullest. Handling busy airports, hotels, and tourist attractions will be no… Continue reading Great Advice For Traveling With Hearing Aids

The Holistic Approach to Hearing Loss Gains Ground

There is a shift happening in medicine. The walls are coming down. The bigger picture of how the body works together as a whole and how seemingly unrelated systems and symptoms may actually be more connected than we ever dreamed are all coming to the forefront of medicine. This more holistic shift is happening across… Continue reading The Holistic Approach to Hearing Loss Gains Ground

What To Do And Not Do While Traveling With Hearing Aids

For most of us with hearing health issues, hearing aids are an important part of our everyday life. These tiny devices that are so integral to our quality of life must be well cared for at home or on the go. With that, there are some key steps you can take to ensure you’re maximizing… Continue reading What To Do And Not Do While Traveling With Hearing Aids