Information Processing In Hearing And Deaf Infants

We all learn differently, whether that be because we have a learning difference or because we prefer to read about a topic rather than listen to a lecture on it. For most of us, however, we process information quite similarly and use similar neurological pathways in our brains to understand complex topics despite our preferences… Continue reading Information Processing In Hearing And Deaf Infants

Singing Could Be Key to Building Communication Skills for Children with Hearing Impairment

“I would teach children music, physics, and philosophy; but most importantly music, for the patterns in music and all the arts are the keys to learning”  -Plato The importance of music as part of a well-rounded education has been recognized for centuries. In more recent years, music has also been connected with math and science… Continue reading Singing Could Be Key to Building Communication Skills for Children with Hearing Impairment

Adopting Children With Hearing Loss

The decision to adopt a child is a big one. Not only does one have to prepare to care for another human being, but they also need to jump through innumerable hoops to officially grow their family. When someone makes the decision to adopt a child with hearing loss, things become even more complicated as… Continue reading Adopting Children With Hearing Loss

What to Know About Adopting A Child With Hearing Loss

What challenges accompany the adoption of a child with hearing loss? Researchers studied families of adopted hearing-impaired children for answers to this question. The 2018 study examines the hurdles these families must face and provides suggestions for effectively meeting the unique needs of these adopted children. Study Method Over eight months, the research team recruited… Continue reading What to Know About Adopting A Child With Hearing Loss

Hearing Loss: Not Just A Problem For The Elderly

Contrary to popular belief, hearing loss isn’t just an issue that plagues the senior folk in our population. While hearing loss is certainly quite prevalent among older adults, it is also a fairly common issue among young adults, people in middle-age, and even children. Here’s what you need to know: The Numbers As most of… Continue reading Hearing Loss: Not Just A Problem For The Elderly

Hearing Loss Doesn’t Discriminate

What do you think when you imagine someone with hearing loss? An elderly person, a grandparent perhaps, with gray hair and hearing aids? The truth is, that picture is no longer the whole picture of hearing loss. According to the Hearing Health Foundation, nearly 48 million Americans of all ages have at least some trouble… Continue reading Hearing Loss Doesn’t Discriminate