How Zebrafish are Explaining How Brain Rewiring Occurs in the Profoundly Congenitally Deaf

According to a pioneering study conducted by the Oregon State University College of Science, small freshwater zebrafish have highlighted how the brain of humans who are congenitally deaf will rewire itself and affect how they learn. This is the first step in analyzing congenital deafness further than just the sensory hair cells inside the ear.… Continue reading How Zebrafish are Explaining How Brain Rewiring Occurs in the Profoundly Congenitally Deaf

Could Hearing Loss Increase Delinquency?

Childhood can be a magical time of learning and growing, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Think back to being a child. Playing with friends, going to school, all the things that you did. The feelings you felt. Now imagine for a minute that you had hearing loss as a child. How would that… Continue reading Could Hearing Loss Increase Delinquency?

7 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss is more common than ever before. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 466 million people worldwide have disabling hearing loss, including children, and that by 2050 over 900 million people will have it. Those are big numbers. Many still view hearing loss as a minor inconvenience. Still experts are now raising the… Continue reading 7 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

What is the Difference Between Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids?

Although the purpose they serve may seem similar, hearing amplifiers and hearing aids are two different devices. Yes, both can improve one’s ability to hear. However, hearing aids have a design tailored for people with hearing impairments and hearing amplifiers do not. The media tempts us to purchase hearing amplifiers while overlooking key differences that… Continue reading What is the Difference Between Hearing Amplifiers and Hearing Aids?

What is Listening Fatigue? (And How To Overcome It!)

We all have responsibilities throughout our day that may leave us needing a nap by 5pm. Whether at work, running errands, or participating in social activities, life can be exhausting. But for those with hearing loss, day to day activities can be even more tiring than they would be for those with healthy hearing. This… Continue reading What is Listening Fatigue? (And How To Overcome It!)

4 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

When we think about the causes of hearing loss, we often think of common causes like aging or noise-induced hearing loss. A variety of conditions, injuries, and occurrences can lead to hearing loss, but some are very rare. While rare, they do occur and are a reality for some people. Here are four of the… Continue reading 4 Unusual Causes of Hearing Loss

What is the Difference Between a Hearing Amplifier and a Hearing Aid?

These days there are so many choices when it comes to hearing better with hearing loss. These devices can help to improve the quality of sound and hearing, and if you’ve been diagnosed with hearing loss, you may be considering your options and what would work best for you. For the millions of Americans living… Continue reading What is the Difference Between a Hearing Amplifier and a Hearing Aid?

5 Hearing Aid Myths That Could Be Hurting Your Hearing

Hearing loss is more common than you may think, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who could benefit from using hearing aids opts to use them. Experts estimate that approximately 15% of Americans (almost 40 million of them) over the age of 18 have trouble hearing. Of those, almost 30 million could benefit from using… Continue reading 5 Hearing Aid Myths That Could Be Hurting Your Hearing

6 Common Myths About Hearing Aids

Several new advances have been made in the field of hearing aids in the last few years. Hearing aids are now smaller, more powerful, more discreet, more comfortable, and more technologically advanced than ever before. Unfortunately, however, it seems that not everyone’s opinion of hearing aids has advanced at the same rate. Some stigma may… Continue reading 6 Common Myths About Hearing Aids

New Study Shows That Hearing Loss Can Lead to Delinquency in Pre-Teen Kids

Hearing loss can occur at any age, but there is a growing number of kids developing hearing loss due to prolonged exposure to loud noise. The hearing loss rates among children due to noise exposure are increasing due to the kid’s lifestyle factors. Video games, mp3 players, sporting events, movie theatres, and surround-sound entertainment systems… Continue reading New Study Shows That Hearing Loss Can Lead to Delinquency in Pre-Teen Kids