Keep Your Brain Stimulated

By: Dr. Arthur Zinaman Read this next line carefully: hearing loss has been linked to decreased mental health, specifically dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.  This new information indicates that better hearing, possibly achieved with hearing aids, may actually help your body stave off debilating brain disease. Whether hearing loss is a symptom of dementia or a… Continue reading Keep Your Brain Stimulated

What is the Endolymphatic Sac?

“Memorizing and regurgitating are not science. Real science is a constant investigation of the unknown.” – Abhijit Naskar Just when we think we have a handle on a structure and function of the body, we learn something entirely new. It’s this “constant investigation of the unknown” that has led scientists to now uncover the function… Continue reading What is the Endolymphatic Sac?

The Impact Of Biovariability In Hearing Loss

Like many people, you’ve probably found yourself in a situation or two where the noise level is high and your ears are completely unprotected. You may have fretted over the thought that your hearing may be exposed to damage, or you may have been very young and not had that thought at all. Previous Understanding… Continue reading The Impact Of Biovariability In Hearing Loss

Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

It’s that time of year again! Back-to-school is here, and kids are heading off to new classes, old friends and plenty of learning. We make sure they have the supplies they need and prepare them as best we can with letters, numbers and plenty of sleep for academic success, but what about their hearing? Hearing… Continue reading Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

Loud Restaurants – A Hearing Health Dilemma

Working in the restaurant industry can be a noisy business, even more so now thanks to big changes in dining establishment design in the last decade. Gone are the days of overly patterned, stain-hiding carpet, privacy curtains, and heavy tapestries. Step into many popular restaurants now and you’ll be sure to see exposed beams, rustic… Continue reading Loud Restaurants – A Hearing Health Dilemma

Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

Getting a hearing aid for the first time can feel a bit overwhelming. The temptation for many of us adjusting to life with a new hearing aid is to only use it when we feel like we really need it. We may not have it on at home, but take it with us if we’re… Continue reading Listening Activities To Help The Adjustment To A Hearing Aid

The Important Function of the Endolymphatic Sac

In studying the structure of the inner ear, either in high school or college anatomy class, you may have become familiar with the details: the cochlea, the inner ear canals, the auditory nerve, etc. But one small, but newfound important detail never mentioned before but always present is the endolymphatic sac. Unknown Function Of The… Continue reading The Important Function of the Endolymphatic Sac

The Unique Nature Of Speech Fluctuations In Humans

Fluctuation is variation. The term fluctuation indicates changes or disturbances in the output of the human voice. It is a significant change indicating the voice is unstable. Although the difference in voicing is desirable artistically such as singing, too much variability leads to speech that is unintelligible. Verbal change is also indicative of lying which… Continue reading The Unique Nature Of Speech Fluctuations In Humans

The Mystery Of The Endolymphatic Sac

The endolymphatic sac is an irregular, complicated shaped bag like structure in the inner ear. It is involved in absorbing and secreting, and it takes part in the immune response. Although not entirely clear, theories suggest that the endolymphatic sac is involved in the development of Meniere’s disease leading to dizziness and hearing problems. Current… Continue reading The Mystery Of The Endolymphatic Sac

Mindfulness Might Be an Antidote for Your Tinnitus

If you’ve ever felt that uncomfortable ringing in your ears, you’re not alone. This burdensome condition, known as tinnitus, is more common than you might think. The CDC estimates that almost 15% of the public – or over 50 million Americans – suffer from some form of tinnitus. Although it’s most commonly known as ‘ringing… Continue reading Mindfulness Might Be an Antidote for Your Tinnitus