What is the Endolymphatic Sac?

“Memorizing and regurgitating are not science. Real science is a constant investigation of the unknown.” – Abhijit Naskar Just when we think we have a handle on a structure and function of the body, we learn something entirely new. It’s this “constant investigation of the unknown” that has led scientists to now uncover the function… Continue reading What is the Endolymphatic Sac?

Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

It’s that time of year again! Back-to-school is here, and kids are heading off to new classes, old friends and plenty of learning. We make sure they have the supplies they need and prepare them as best we can with letters, numbers and plenty of sleep for academic success, but what about their hearing? Hearing… Continue reading Hearing Health May Predict Academic Success

Mindfulness Might Be an Antidote for Your Tinnitus

If you’ve ever felt that uncomfortable ringing in your ears, you’re not alone. This burdensome condition, known as tinnitus, is more common than you might think. The CDC estimates that almost 15% of the public – or over 50 million Americans – suffer from some form of tinnitus. Although it’s most commonly known as ‘ringing… Continue reading Mindfulness Might Be an Antidote for Your Tinnitus

Using Listening Activities To Acclimate To Hearing Aids

If you are new to wearing hearing aids, you will probably find them to be challenging to adjust to and awkward to wear. The uncomfortable sensation is normal. Thankfully, the more you wear your hearing aids, the more comfortable they will feel. Try wearing your hearing aids regularly because they will not help you if… Continue reading Using Listening Activities To Acclimate To Hearing Aids

New Hearing Aid Technology And What It Can Do For You

Acquiring your first set of hearing aids or searching for a new pair can be a daunting task. Although these little devices and their high-end technologies are designed to make our lives easier and better, the sheer quantity of different options available makes choosing one set quite difficult. It’s easy to be overwhelmed by the… Continue reading New Hearing Aid Technology And What It Can Do For You

The Importance of Hearing Tests

Approximately 20% of Americans have some measure of hearing loss, but unfortunately, only 20% of people with hearing loss seek out treatment. While specific treatment options for hearing loss vary wildly from patient to patient, the starting place for the treatment of hearing loss is generally the same – it all starts with a hearing… Continue reading The Importance of Hearing Tests

Environmental Noise And Your Hearing Health

Noise is a part of life. We make ourselves vulnerable to environmental sounds on a daily basis and frequently do not give it a second thought. It is in the home, the classroom, and the workplace. It is essential to consider this noise and develop a means to lessen or prevent exposure to it. Once… Continue reading Environmental Noise And Your Hearing Health

Discussing Hearing Aid Options With A Hearing Healthcare Professional

There is no shortage of treatment options for people with a hearing loss. The current advances in medicine and technology are making new treatments available to the hearing impaired at a rapid pace. When there are so many choices available, it may be difficult to determine what solution best fits your individual needs. It is… Continue reading Discussing Hearing Aid Options With A Hearing Healthcare Professional

What You Should Know About The Audiology Patient Choice Act

Hearing loss is a condition that affects an estimated 38 million Americans, and with an aging population, that number is only expected to grow in the coming years. With so many people now diagnosed with or reporting some level of hearing loss, researchers and government representatives alike are standing up and taking notice. The most… Continue reading What You Should Know About The Audiology Patient Choice Act

Could This App Detect Hearing Loss?

Technology and the hearing healthcare industry are colliding in more ways than one, and for the estimated 466 million people worldwide with hearing loss, that is proving invaluable. From more comprehensive hearing evaluations to 3D printed ear molds, to apps that can help diners find quieter restaurants and bars to rapidly advancing hearing aids and… Continue reading Could This App Detect Hearing Loss?