The Impact Of Noise Pollution On Your Hearing Health

We hear about it all the time, how bad all this noise is for us. The sounds of the city around us during our morning commute, the construction noise going on just around the block from the office, the hum of appliances running all at once in a busy kitchen, the list goes on and… Continue reading The Impact Of Noise Pollution On Your Hearing Health

7 Hearing Resolutions for the New Year

There really is something special about the first day of a new year. It holds potential and possibilities for the next 365 days and it is a wonderful time to embark on a plan to transform your habits. Improving one’s health is one of the most popular resolutions in a new year but focusing on… Continue reading 7 Hearing Resolutions for the New Year

Hearing Aid FAQs

The hearing aids of today are nothing like those of yesteryear, but not everyone knows this. Stigmas revolve relentlessly around hearing aid use, causing millions of Americans who would benefit from their application to avoid even considering one. What if we could help dispell some of the misperceptions out there about hearing aids? How many… Continue reading Hearing Aid FAQs

Gifts For Loved Ones With Hearing Loss

As you’re rushing around this holiday season, picking up just the right gifts for all the loved ones in your life, don’t forget to take into consideration the unique needs of every person. For the ones you love who live with hearing loss, you may want to take a moment to consider what kind of… Continue reading Gifts For Loved Ones With Hearing Loss

Deciding on a Cochlear Implant? This Information Will Help.

A hearing aid is an extraordinary device. However, sometimes a hearing aid does not provide adequate amplification to meet a user’s hearing needs. The answer may be a cochlear implant if you demonstrate limited-to-no-benefit from traditional hearing aids. This small electronic device gives a sense of sound to those who have a hearing impairment. Unlike… Continue reading Deciding on a Cochlear Implant? This Information Will Help.

Unique Gift Ideas For The Hearing Impaired

The holidays are upon us and the time for exchanging gifts is here. As you shop during this season, do not forget about those people on your list who are hearing impaired. These days the gift selection for people who have difficulty hearing is more extensive than ever before. There is something for everyone including… Continue reading Unique Gift Ideas For The Hearing Impaired

Hearing Aid FAQs

The hearing aids of today are nothing like those of yesteryear, but not everyone knows this. Stigmas revolve relentlessly around hearing aid use, causing millions of Americans who would benefit from their application to avoid even considering one. What if we could help dispell some of the misperceptions out there about hearing aids? How many… Continue reading Hearing Aid FAQs

Noise Pollution and Hearing Loss

It’s hard to argue the fact that today’s world is noisier than ever before. Traffic, construction, airplanes and crowds all contribute to the growing decibel level of daily life. Could this be a contributing factor to the increasing number of people diagnosed with hearing loss? Noise warnings Several decades ago, experts recognized the need to… Continue reading Noise Pollution and Hearing Loss

Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing Aids

So, you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with hearing loss? Chances are you have plenty of questions! First and foremost, you are not alone in your diagnosis or quest for more information. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately 15% of American adults (37.5 million) aged 18 and over report some… Continue reading Frequently Asked Questions About Hearing Aids

Hearing Your Relatives This Holiday Season

The holiday season has arrived. And with it comes plenty of opportunities to gather together with family, friends, and other loved ones to celebrate being together. Whether your at home or out an about this season, enjoying the holidays with hearing loss can be made better if you take a few considerations in mind. To… Continue reading Hearing Your Relatives This Holiday Season