Assistive Listening Devices: What They Can Do For You

If you suffer from hearing loss, you might be considering a variety of different technologies to help you maintain your independence and confidence in daily life. While many people think that all people with hearing loss rely solely on hearing aids, there are actually a number of additional gadgets, known as assistive listening devices, or… Continue reading Assistive Listening Devices: What They Can Do For You

Now There’s An App That Detects Hearing Loss

These days it seems like there is an app for just about anything. From managing finances to playing a video game, there is something for everyone. Health apps are prevalent and very helpful for a variety of healthcare concerns. If you are concerned with your hearing, there might be an app for you too. Thankfully,… Continue reading Now There’s An App That Detects Hearing Loss

This New Drug May Prevent Hearing Loss

These days there seems to be a pill for just about everything, but could the next one on the horizon really help prevent hearing loss? A new study may prove that the answer to that question is, “yes.” Oricula Therapeutics of Seattle, whose scientists work at the University of Washington and Fred Hutch Cancer Research… Continue reading This New Drug May Prevent Hearing Loss

Why High Blood Pressure Is Bad For Our Ears

According to a 2010 study published in the American Journal of Audiology, there is a definitive link between hearing loss and heart health. One of the most common indicators of a healthy heart is a healthy blood pressure rate. Blood pressure measures the force and rate of our heartbeats, which can give doctors a good… Continue reading Why High Blood Pressure Is Bad For Our Ears

Tinnitus And Its Impact On Emotional Processing

If you experience the ringing, buzzing, and hissing sounds of tinnitus, you understand how debilitating the disorder is. This common problem which affects roughly one out of five people is not a condition itself, but a symptom of a more significant state such as an ear injury, a circulatory system disorder, or an age-related hearing… Continue reading Tinnitus And Its Impact On Emotional Processing

Seven Hearing Resolutions for 2018

There really is something special about the first day of a new year. It holds potential and possibilities for the next 365 days and it is a wonderful time to embark on a plan to transform your habits. Improving one’s health is one of the most popular resolutions in a new year, but focusing on… Continue reading Seven Hearing Resolutions for 2018

These 9 Questions Need Answering Before Leaving Your Hearing Evaluation

What are my current hearing abilities? You probably already have a good idea of what you can or can’t hear based on your daily experiences. A hearing professional should be able to explain any hearing changes you are going through and what the source is behind any hearing loss you may be experiencing. Establishing these… Continue reading These 9 Questions Need Answering Before Leaving Your Hearing Evaluation